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pflotran / Depreciated / Installation / Files / cygwin-tcsh.bat

@ echo off

NOTE: Be sure to run .bat file as Administrator. Otherwise, the environment
variable VS100COMTOOLS cannot be seen.
— Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 —
The following path should match the VS100COMNTOOLS environment variable

call “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat” x86

— Intel Composer XE —
I have found that the name of the directory containing the composer can
differ depending on the release #, update, service pack. I.e.
“Composer XE” may very much differ in name from your installation.
Best to search for the file “ifortvars.bat” under your installation

call “C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Composer XE\bin\ifortvars.bat” ia32

C:\software\cygwin\bin\tcsh -l
