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pflotran / Documentation / Texteditor / texteditor


You can use Notepad++, a free text editor to color code PFLOTRAN (Note: for Windows only!)

Here is how you install:
  1. Download and install the latest Notepad++
  2. Open Notepad++, an empty file should be open ready to be typed in.
  3. Copy and paste this code, save it as 'pflotran.xml'
  1. Go to Settings -> Style Configurator -> select "Monokai" (or any other dark theme) -> Save & Close
  2. Go to Language -> (near the bottom...) Define Your Language -> Import... -> select pflotran.xml that you saved on step 2 -> hit Okay on "import successful" message -> Close Notepad++ to reset.
  3. Open Notepad++ -> open or create new pflotran input file.
  4. Go to Language -> (near the bottom) select pflotran
  5. All keywords of pflotran should be color coded (if you did not choose any dark theme, you will not see white fonts which are variables).


PFLOTRAN Emacs mode contributed by Kris Kuhlman: pflotran-mode.el
