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BIG Utils / PublishingToPyPI

Publishing to PyPI

Important Note: The procedure is adopted from an excellent article on Real Python.

To upload our package to PyPI, use a tool called Twine. We can install Twine using pip as usual:

pip install twine

Building the Package

To create a source archive and a wheel for our package, run the following command:

python sdist bdist_wheel

This will create two files in a newly created dist directory, a source archive, and a wheel:

Dist directory Screenshot

Twine (1.12.0 and above) can also check that our package description will render properly on PyPI. Run twine check on the files created in dist:

twine check dist/*

twine check dist/* output screenshot

While it won’t catch all problems we might run into, it will for instance let us know if we are using the wrong content type.

Uploading the Package

Now we’re ready to actually upload our package to PyPI. For this, we’ll again use the twine tool, telling it to upload the distribution packages we have built. First, we should upload to TestPyPI to make sure everything works as expected:

twine upload --repository-url dist/*

Twine will ask you for our username and password, which can be found in the LastPass.

NOTE: The TestPyPI password is different from the actual PyPI.

If the upload succeeds, we can quickly head over to TestPyPI, scroll down, and look at our project being proudly displayed among the new releases! Click on our package and make sure everything looks okay.

With all the preparations taken care of, this final step is short:

twine upload dist/*

Provide our username and password when requested. That’s it!

Head over to PyPI and look up our package - big-utils. We can find it either by searching, by looking at the Your projects page, or by going directly to the URL of our project.
