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Google OAuth 2.0 ServerAuthModule / setup / 2-configuration

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Before you can authenticate with Google OAuth, you will need to create a Client ID for your web application at Client ID API Console.

Application Server Specific Configuration Steps

For a complete list of configuration options, see GoogleOAuthServerAuthModule-Configuration-Attributes


1) Drill down to "Message Security"->"HttpServlet" and click "Providers" click "Providers" Full Path: "Configurations"->"server-config"->"Security"->"Message Security"->"HttpServlet"

2) Click on the previously installed GoogleOAuthServerAuthModule (google-oauth). click "google-oauth"

3) Add the following required properties: "oauth.clientid" and "oauth.clientsecret". add required properties The values for the required parameters should come from Client ID API Console.

Further explaination and additional attributes can be found at GoogleOAuthServerAuthModule Configuration Attributes

4) Click "Save"

5) Restart Glassfish

The Next Step

Now that the GoogleOAuthServerAuthModule as been configured, we need to start using it.
