sqlite3 time incorrectly interpreted by php
query of a view with time function returns the following error:
Warning: time() expects exactly 0 parameters, 3 given in /var/www/html/phpliteadmin/index.php on line 4744
no rows are returned.
this is the view:
CREATE VIEW 'vLights' as SELECT l.ts,l.duration,l.device,date(l.ts,'unixepoch','localtime') as DATE,time(l.ts,'unixepoch','localtime') as TIME, p.avgW, cast(l. duration as real)/60/60*p.avgW as powerW FROM "LIGHT" l join power p on l.device=p.device
Comments (9)
reporter -
reporter found that the issue is with php 7.3 as after downgrading to 7.2 the site works.
reporter any update?
if I run the query inside the sqlite3 command line it works as expected.
this is the function I use in the query:
date(l.ts,'unixepoch','localtime') as DATE,
time(l.ts,'unixepoch','localtime') as TIME -
repo owner Please have a look at your $custom_functions config variable. I just saw that the sample config contains 'time' in here. Remove this. With custom functions you can access PHP functions from SQL in phpliteadmin. In this case, this overwrites the SQL time function with the PHP time function.
reporter The time(..) function is an sqlite function and is working fine in previous versions of sqliteadmin as mentioned before.
The tool should not override sqlite internal functions. https://www.sqlite.org/lang_datefunc.html
repo owner Yes but the function is overwritten because of your configuration. You can remove 'time' from the $custom_functions config setting, then it won’t be overwritten anymore. I admit that the sample config is bad and should not include the time function. But you can easily solve your problem by adjusting the config. Probably the old config sample did not include this, which is why it worked before.
reporter thanks, That fixed my issue. however I still think this is a bug as that was default configuration and I would not expect the sqlite internal functions to be overridden by default.
repo owner - changed status to resolved
Removed time function from $custom_functions, because it overwrites the time function of SQLite Fixes issue
#386https://bitbucket.org/phpliteadmin/public/issues/386/sqlite3-time-incorrectly-interpreted-by→ <<cset d73c9ad8cb67>>
repo owner Of course you are right that this is a bad default configuration. I just removed it from the default config. Thank you for reporting this.
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This was working fine in the previous version v1.9.7.1