goeBURST Full MST does not work

Issue #1 resolved
Pablo Tortosa created an issue

I used phyloviz with a test dataset made of 2 haplotypes (Li1 and Li2) amplified from either rats or humans. Once files are loaded, I try to run goeBURST but it freezes before competing the run (see attached screen). Thank you for helping, Pablo

Comments (4)

  1. jacarrico

    The problem originates when using "aligned sequence(FASTA)" as input in the dataset Pablo provided us when running goeBURST Full MST option. Then as reported in the screenshot the algorithm stops at "MST algorithm printing edges"

  2. jacarrico

    Problem found: goeBURST full MST not accepting only two sequences in the dataset. Use 3 or more sequences to circunventing the problem. New version with this fixed will be out soon.

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