no graphics export possible

Issue #5 closed
christina created an issue

Hi there,

I just installed phyloviz on my Mac (running with OSX 10.8.5). Uploading the typing and isolate data etc is fine, analysis works, but I can't export the graphics. There is a button with a camera, if I click on it, it says "export view as…." but I can't choose a file format, change the directory or do anything and it gives me an error message. I have attached a screenshot and the log of the error with trying to export a graphic.

Thanks, Christina

Comments (4)

  1. Bitbucket user


    Can you try the 1.1a version available in Downloads section? You should remove the previous version and you can run the new version by just unzip the file and click in bin/phyloviz.

    Since there are many errors, it seems to me that it is some memory related problem. You may want also to check the solution proposed for issue #2.

    If this solves your problem, we will remove remaining files from Downloads section while we are finishing a new release.



  2. christina reporter

    Hi Alexandre,

    thanks for the fast reply. I tried the 1.1a version, but unfortunately that didn't change anything, as I still can't choose a different folder or save it. However I just tried it on a windows computer and its working so far. So perhaps this issue is related to Mac Osx?

    Thanks, Christina

  3. Bitbucket user


    It was a Mac OS X specific issue indeed but I think that we fixed it already. Can you check if there are plugin updates available? If so, then try to update them. Let me know if the issue remains.

    Thank you for your help,


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