Removing support to Python 2 (for Lea 4)

Issue #73 resolved
Pierre Denis repo owner created an issue

The Lea project, started more than 10 years ago, supports Python versions 2.6, 2.7 and 3.x. The support of Python 2 has been done at the cost of some tricks, mostly located in the module lea.toolbox. This support has prevented using some advanced Python 3 constructs, especially for method signatures. Python 2. support has been halted since a couple of years, and this is starting to cause some issues, for the least, for keeping the packaging process up-to-date.

The new major version Lea 4 is the opportunity to farewell Python 2’s support. This shall allow modernizing the code at several places and make it more maintainable.

Lea 3.4 shall still be there for Python 2 users, however the branch Lea 3 is not expected to be maintained any longer. At the time of writing, the latest release (Lea 3.4.4) has no open bug. If needed, minor versions could be done for (future) bug fixing.

Note that Lea 4 introduces at least one backward incompatible evolution (see #72).

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