Somewhere to show the paths of different locations

Issue #21 resolved
Daniel Jørgensen repo owner created an issue

Locations for different files in the CraftBian filesystem.

This could be shown either in the documentation or in CraftBian it self on a seperate page.

Like servers, backups etc.

Comments (13)

  1. Daniel Jørgensen reporter

    Added a subpage under the Settings page, containing paths and a short explanation about documenation and Shadowstreiks videos. fixes issue #21

    → <<cset 59f6b53a7dbf>>

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    My apologies for the lateness. I had a thought. On the About page, I think two boxes would be more appropriate in the subpage created for this issue. The two boxes I'm thinking of are System Information and Broadcast. What would your thoughts be?

  3. Daniel Jørgensen reporter

    Arh so you mean i should move those two boxes (Broadcast and system information) to the same place as where i have created this information page?

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Yes, I believe so. I think that having some system information on multiple pages would possibly be more appropriate to stick together on a single page.

  5. Daniel Jørgensen reporter

    Yes you are indeed correct. I might change the About page to utilize the same sub menu as im using under Servers and Settings. Im thinking three menus:

    • About -> Containing the About box
    • Information -> Containing the new Infobox, Broadcast and System Information boxes
    • Update -> Contains the Update, In this version and ToDo boxes
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