Prepare and release CraftBian v1.3.2

Issue #22 resolved
Daniel Jørgensen repo owner created an issue

CraftBian v1.3.2 is ready for release.

Comments (5)

  1. Daniel Jørgensen reporter

    I want to take a better look at how internet connectivity is handled, so that CraftBian can work better if there is no internet connection. Right now, the response time becomes much slower, when navigating the interface, if there is no internet connection on the LAN as CraftBian tries to communicate with my local server, for versioning, broadcasts, etc.

  2. Daniel Jørgensen reporter

    Internet connectivity handling is quite poor for the time being and changing that would require too much effort, with CraftBian v2.0 being in my main focus. I will therefore not make any changes on that for v1.3.2

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