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Lazypipe / UserGuide.v3.0

Lazypipe User Guide

Running Lazypipe v3.0 on a Linux cluster

Table of Content

  1. About Lazypipe
  2. Running on CSC
  3. Installing
  4. Running Lazypipe

  5. command-line options

  6. config.yaml options
  7. Citing Lazypipe
  8. Contact

About Lazypipe

Lazypipe is a bioinformatic pipeline for analyzing virus and bacteria metagenomics from NGS data.

Lazypipe flowchart Figure 1. Lazypipe workflow

Lazypipe supports:

  • fastq preprocessing
  • de novo assembling
  • taxonomic binning
  • taxonomic profiling
  • reporting
    • mapped contigs sorted by taxa
    • virus contigs
    • unmapped contigs
    • contig annotations (tsv and excel)
    • taxon abundancies (tsv and excel)
  • quality control plots

Running Lazypipe on CSC

Lazypipe can be quickly assessed using a preinstalled module at the Finnish Center of Scientific Computing.

Installing Lazypipe

Setting up directories

Create root directory $data and subdirectories for storing reference databases, NCBI taxonomy, host genomes and Lazypipe results (change /my/data/path/ according to your preferences):

mkdir -p $data $data/databases $data/taxonomy $data/hostgen $data/results

For convenience add environment variable $data pointing to your root directory. To add the variable locate .bashrc file in your home directory and add this line to the file:

export data=/my/data/path

Cloning the repository

git clone
cd lazypipe

Installing dependencies

Installing dependencies with Conda

We recommend installing BLAST under a separate Conda environment labeled blast:

conda create -n blast -c bioconda blast

All other dependencies can be installed under environment labeled Lazypipe:

conda create -n lazypipe -c bioconda -c eclarke bwa csvtk fastp krona megahit mga minimap2 samtools seqkit spades taxonkit trimmomatic numpy scipy requests

Mac users installing to M1/M2 ARM64 architecture: Prior to installing bio-packages configure Conda with conda config --add subdirs osx-64. You may also need to install MGA binary manually (see Table 1).

To activate all installed dependencies type:

conda activate blast
conda activate --stack lazypipe

Set taxonomy database location for KronaGraph:

 rm -rf $CONDA_PREFIX/conda/env/lazypipe/opt/krona/taxonomy
 ln -s $data/taxonomy $CONDA_PREFIX/conda/env/lazypipe/opt/krona/taxonomy

Set env variable $TM to point to trimmomatic directory:

 export TM=$CONDA_PREFIX/share/trimmomatic

Download PANNZER (version 02/2022 or later) and set as executable to your path:

tar -zxvf SANSPANZ.3.tar.gz
echo '#!'$(which python) 1> SANSPANZ.3/
chmod 755 SANSPANZ.3/
ln -sf $(pwd)/SANSPANZ.3/ ~/bin/

Installing dependencies manually

Download and unpack dependencies listed in Table 1. Then copy or link these executables to your ~/bin folder. For example:

tar -xjvf minimap2-2.24_x64-linux.tar.bz2
cp minimap2-2.24_x64-linux/minimap2 ~/bin/
Tool Website Download binaries Original article
blast blast+/LATEST/
bwa-mem bio-bwa/files
csvtk csvtk/download
KronaTools NA
MEGAHIT IMEGAHT-1.2.9-Linux-x86_64-static.tar.gz
minimap2 minimap2-2.24_x64-linux.tar.bz2
TaxonKit taxonkit/releases/tag/v0.9.0
[Trimmomatic] v0.39.tar.gz
Samtools samtools-1.14.tar.bz2
SeqKit seqkit_linux_amd64.tar.gz
[SPAdes] SPAdes-3.15.3-Linux.tar.gz

Table 1: Lazypipe dependencies Tools in square brackets mark binaries that are not required for basic Lazypipe runs. When installed, these will provide additional options/functionalities.

Installing Perl modules

Install modules to local-lib ~/perl5

cpan --local-lib=~/perl5 File::Basename File::Temp Getopt::Long YAML::Tiny
export PERL5LIB=~/perl5/lib/perl5:{$PERL5LIB}

Installing R libraries

Open R console and type

install.packages( c("reshape","openxlsx") );

Installing reference databases

Install NCBI Taxonomy to default location ($data/taxonomy) by running:

perl perl/ --db taxonomy

Download and unpack reference databases for 1st and 2nd round annotations. You can choose to install RefSeq/UniRef100 databases (Table 2), NT/UniRef100 databases (Table 3) or Viral databases (Table 4). RefSeq/UniRef100 databases are suited for annotating established taxa with small disk and time overhead. NT/UniRef100 databases have better coverage for novel taxa and may produce more accurate annotations, however the disk/time overhead is also higher. Viral databases are small databases intended for annotating only viral taxa with minimum disk/time overhead.

Use script to install databases from URLs listed in config.yaml. Too install RefSeq/UniRef100 databases to default path ($data/databases) call:

perl perl/ --db minimap.refseq.abv -v
perl perl/ --db -v
perl perl/ --db blastn.refseq.ab -v
perl perl/ --db -v
perl perl/ --db -v
URL Size *.gz (GB) Description
minimap.refseq.abv.release221.tar.gz 5.7 Minimap2 index for RefSeq archaea, bacteria and viruses 0.16 Minimap2 index for RefSeq viruses
blastn.refseq.ab.release221.tar.gz 4.4 BLASTN index for RefSeq archaea and bacteria 0.14 BLASTN index for RefSeq viruses 0.48 BLASTP index for UniRef100 viruses

Table 2: RefSeq/UniRef100 databases

URL Size *.gz (GB) Description
minimap.nt.abv.tar.gz 77 Minimap2 index for NCBI NT archaea, bacteria and viruses
blastn.nt.ab.tar.gz 44 BLASTN index for NCBI NT archaea and bacteria 9.7 BLASTN index for NCBI NT viruses
blastp.uniref100.ab.tar.gz 33 BLASTP index for UniRef100 archaea and bacteria 0.48 BLASTP index for UniRef100 viruses

Table 3: NT/UniRef100 databases

URL Size *.gz Description 160 MB Minimap2 index for RefSeq viruses 130 MB BLASTN index for RefSeq viruses 480 MB BLASTP index for UniRef100 viruses

Table 4: Viral databases

Open config.yaml and check that database paths match the location and version of the installed databases. Edit these line in config.yaml:

   minimap.nt:        "$data/databases/nt.abv.2024_01_01.fa"
   minimap.refseq:    "$data/databases/refseq.abv.release221.fa"

   blastn.ab.nt:      "$data/databases/blastn.nt.ab.2024_01_01"      "$data/databases/"

If you wish to annotate bacteriophages, specify, and in your config.yaml. Use blastn/blastp virus databases or your custom bacteriophage databases:

ann1.databases: $data/databases/  $data/databases/  $data/databases/
ann2.databases:  $data/databases/  $data/databases/
Naming convention for reference databases

Reference sequence databases are defined in config.yaml as key-value pairs under ann1.databases and ann2.databases. Here, each key is a string referring to the SearchTool and TargetTaxa, and each value is a path to the applied database. For the 1st round, annotation keys are named SearchTool[.dbid] and for the 2nd round SearchTool.TargetTaxa[.dbid]. In both rounds SearchTool can be sans, minimap, blastn or blastp. TargetTaxa can be abv (ie Archaea, Bacteria and Viruses), ab (ie Archaea and Bacteria), vi (Viruses), ph (Bacteriophages) or un (unmapped). You can use an optional dbid string to differentiate between similar databases. For any annotation step you can use any database, default or custom. For BLASTN/BLASTP use blast indices. For minimap2 you can use .fasta* or .mmi files; note that these must have an accomponing .acc2taxid tsv-map (see default minimap2 databases for an example).

Running Lazypipe

Example 1

In this example we will use a sample PE library that is included with the repository (data/M15small_R*.fastq).

Preprocess reads with fastp:

perl -1 data/samples/M15small_R1.fastq --pipe pre -t 8 -v

Download Neovison vison genome and use it to filter host reads. Note that running host filtering with a newly downloaded genome will take some time to index the genome:

mkdir -p $data/hostgen
wget -P $data/hostgen/
perl -1 data/samples/M15small_R1.fastq --pipe flt --hostgen $data/hostgen/GCA_900108605.1_NNQGG.v01_genomic.fna.gz -t 8 -v

Run assembling with Megahit and realign reads to assembly

perl -1 data/samples/M15small_R1.fastq -p ass,rea --ass megahit -t 8 -v

Run 1st round annotation with Minimap2 against your local minimap.refseq database:

perl -1 data/samples/M15small_R1.fastq -p ann1 --ann1 minimap.refseq -t 8 -v

Run 1st round annotation with SANSparallel against UniProt TrEMBL. Note that SANSparallel runs on a remote server and requires internet connection. Append results to Minimap2 annotations from the previous step:

perl -1 data/samples/M15small_R1.fastq -p ann1 --ann1 sans --append -t 8 -v

Now run a more complex 1st round annotation. Start by mapping contigs with Minimap2, then map unmapped contigs with SANSparallel then map unmapped contigs with BLASTN against database. Note that without --append flag this will overwrite existing 1st round annotations:

perl -1 data/samples/M15small_R1.fastq -p ann1 --ann1 minimap.refseq,sans, -t 8 -v

Run 2nd round annotation. In the second round you can target archaeal+bacterial (=ab), bacteriophage (=ph), viral (=vi) and unmapped (=un) contigs, based on labeling from the 1st round. Local databases for the 2nd round annotations are defined in ann2.databases section of the config.yaml. For example, to map viral contigs with BLASTN and BLASTP against local viral databases type:

perl -1 data/samples/M15small_R1.fastq --pipe ann2 --ann2, -t 8 -v

Run 2nd round annotation for bacteria with BLASTN. Append results to BLASTN and BLASTP annotations from the previous step:

perl -1 data/samples/M15small_R1.fastq --pipe ann2 --ann2 blastn.ab.refseq --append -t 8 -v

You can also combine these runs in any order. For example:

perl -1 data/samples/M15small_R1.fastq --pipe ann2 --ann2 blastn.ab.refseq,, -t 8 -v

The most common combinations of 1st and 2nd round annotations can be saved to config.yaml in the ann.strategies section. Each annotation strategy is saved as a key-value pair. There are several annotation strategies predifined:

  • -- run only the 1st round with Minimap2 against RefSeq.abv
  • abv.nt -- 1st round: Minimap2 against NT.abv, 2nd round: BLASTN viral reads against and archaeal+bacterial reads against NT.ab
  • abv.refseq -- 1st round: Minimap2 against RefSeq.abv, 2nd round: BLASTN viral reads against and archaeal+bacterial reads against RefSeq.ab
  • abv.extend -- 1st round: Minimap2 against NT.abv + SANSparallel unmapped reads against TrEMBL, 2nd round: BLASTN viral reads against and archaeal+bacterial reads against NT.ab, additionally BLASTP viral reads against and archaeal+bacterial reads against UniRef100.ab
  • vi.nt -- 1st round: Minimap2 against, 2nd round: BLASTN viral reads against
  • vi.refseq -- 1st round: Minimap2 against, 2nd round: BLASTN viral reads against

Generate reports based on created annotations:

perl -1 data/samples/M15small_R1.fastq --pipe rep -t 8 -v

Generate assembly stats, pack for sharing and remove temporary files:

perl -1 data/samples/M15small_R1.fastq -p stats,pack,clean -t 8 -v

For convenience, routine analysis steps (pre,flt,ass,rea,ann1,ann2,rep,sta,pack,clean) can be called with main tag. To run main analysis with abv.refseq annotation strategy type:

perl -1 data/samples/M15small_R1.fastq -p main --anns abv.refseq -t 8 -v

Example 1: generated reports

Results are output to $res/$sample. Default value for $res is set in config.yaml and default value for $sample is created from the name of the input reads. These can be changed during runtime with --res mydir --sample mysample.

In example 1 results were output to $data/results/M15small.

Assembled contigs and predicted ORFs

File or Directory Description
contigs contigs sorted by taxa
contigs.fa contigs in a single fasta file
contigs.ann1.ab.fa archaeal+bacterial contigs (based on 1st round annotation) bacteriophage contigs (1st round) viral contigs (1st round)
contigs.ann1.un.fa unmapped contigs (1st round)
contigs.ann2.ab.fa archaeal+bacterial contigs (2nd round) bacteriophage contigs (2nd round) viral contigs (2nd round)
contigs.ann2.un.fa unmapped contigs (2nd round)
contigs.orfs.aa.fa predicted ORFs as aa sequences
contigs.orfs.nt.fa predicted ORFs as nt sequences
scaffolds.fa scaffolds, if available

Table 5: Lazypipe results: contigs and ORFs.

Abundance tables

abund_table.xlsx Figure 2. abund_table.xlsx

Spreadsheets with taxon abundancies are printed to abund_table.xlsx. Abundancies are displayed in separate tables for viruses (excluding bacteriophages), bacteria, bacteriophages and eukaryots. For each domain abundancies are displayed at three taxonomic levels: species, genus and family.

For raw abundance data see abund_table.tsv.

column description
readn read pairs assigned to this taxon
readn_pc percentage of reads pairs assigned to this taxon
csum cumulative read distribution score (percentage of reads mapped to this taxon and more abundant taxa)
csumq confidences score based on csum (1 ~ reliable, 2 ~ intermediate, 3 ~ unreliable)
contign contigs assigned to this taxon
species species name (NCBI taxonomy)
species_id species taxid (NCBI taxonomy)
genus genus name
genus_id genus taxid
family family name
family_id family taxid

Table 6: Columns in abund_table.xlsx

Annotation tables

annot_table.xslx Figure 3. annot_table.xslx

Spreadsheets with contig annotations are printed to contig_annot.xslx. Spreadsheets are displayed separately for viruses (excluding bacteriophages), bacteria, bacteriophages and eukaryots.

For raw annotation data see contigs_annot.tsv.

column description
search applied database search (e.g. blastn)
db applied database (e.g.
dbtype nucl for nucleotide and prot for protein databases
contig contig id
orf orf description in start-end:strand format
clen contig length
sseqid subject sequence id
bitscore alignment score
alen alignment length
pident percent identity
qlen query sequence length
qcov query coverage
slen subject sequence length
scov subject coverage
staxid subject sequence taxid
sname subject sequence name
bphage yes for bacteriophage staxids
species assigned species
genus assigned genus
family assigned family
order assigned order
class assigned class

Table 7: Columns in contigs_annot.xslx

Quality control plots

QC plots for a number of samples Figure 5. Quality control plogs

Quality Control (QC) plots include length histograms for reads and contigs, and survival plots. The survival plots track retained reads after each pipeline step.

file description
qc.read1.jpeg length hist for forward reads
qc.read2.jpeg length hist for reverse reads
qc.contigs.jpeg length hist for contigs
qc.readsurv.jpeg read survival plots

Table 8: Quality Control plots

Retrieving reads for a contig or taxid

Start by unzipping your source fasta:

gunzip -k results/M15small/read*.trim.fq.gz

To retrieve all reads mapped to contig k99.17 type:

bin/retrieve_reads -r results/M15small -v -c k99.17

To retrieve all reads mapped to Circovirus mink use the following command. Note that the exact species name may change with taxonomy updates.

bin/retrieve_reads -r results/M15small -v -s "Circovirus mink"

To retrieve all reads mapped to staxid 1239574 (Mamastrovirus) type:

bin/retrieve_reads -r results/M15small -v -t 1239574

Command line options

Short Long Value Default Description
-1 --read1 file PE reads, fastq with forward reads (can be gzipped)
-2 --read2 file guess from --read1 PE reads, fastq with reverse reads (can be gzipped)
--se false Input reads are SE-reads. Any --read2 file will be ignored
--hostgen file *.fna file containing host genome. To filter host reads use --hostgen file -p flt
--hgtaxid taxid Map host reads to this taxid
--config file config.yaml Configuration file with default options
--logs dir logs Logs will be printed to $logs/$sample/
-r --res dir results Results will be printed to $res/$sample/
-s --sample str --read1 prefix Results will be printed to $res/$sample/
-p --pipe str main Comma-separated list of steps to perform, e.g. --pipe pre,flt,ass,ann,realign,sta,pack
pre/preprocess Preprocess reads, i.e. filter low quality reads
flt/filter Filter reads mapping to host genome using --hostgen file
ass/assemble Assemble reads to contigs
rea/realign Realign reads to contigs
ann1/annot1 Run 1st round annotation
ann2/annot2 Run 2nd round annotation
rep/report Create reports
sta/stats Create assembly stats + QC plots
pack Pack results into a *tar.gz in the root result directory
clean Remove all intermediate/temporary files
main Run main steps: pre,flt,ass,rea,ann1,ann2,rep,sta,pack,clean
--ann1 key minimap,sans List of keys defining 1st round annotation
MUST be in format: $search[.$dbid], where:
$search is a valid database search (blastn,blastp,minimap or sans)
$dbid is a reference database id (optional)
For each key their MUST be a database defined in config.yaml
--ann2 key, List of keys defining 2nd round annotations
MUST be in format: $search.$target[.$dbid], where:
$search is a valid database search (blastn,blastp,minimap or sans)
$target is a valid target (ab = Archaea+Bacteria, ph = Bacteriophages, vi = Viruses, un = Unmapped)
$dbid is a reference database id (optional)
For each key their MUST be a database defined in config.yaml
--anns key Apply annotation-strategy defined in config.yaml under the supplied key. Overrides any --ann1/ann2 options
--ass str megahit Assembler: megahit/spades
--gen str mga Gene prediction: mga/prod
--pre str pre Use fastp/trimm/none to preprocess reads
--clean false Delete intermediate files after each step
-t --numth int 8 Number of threads
-w --wmodel str bitscore Weighting model for abundance estimation: taxacount/bitscore/bitscore2
-v false Verbal mode

Table 9: Lazypipe command line options.

Default options and additional settings are defined in config.yaml file. Note that command line options take precedence over options in config.yaml file.

Additional options in config.yaml:

Option Value Description
R_call str Rscript or similar for calling R
min_read2hostgen_score num Minimum alignment score for read mapping to hostgen
min_orf_length num Minimum ORF sequence length for reporting/mapping
min_sans_bits num Minimum alignment score for mapping with SANSparallel
min_blastp_bits num Minimum alignment score for mapping with BLASTP
min_blastn_bits num Minimum alignment score for mapping with BLASTN
min_minimap_DPpeak_score num Minimum alignment score for contig mapping with minimap2
min_read2contig_score num Minimum alignment score for read mapping to contigs
fastp_par str Fastp parameters
trimm_par str Trimmomatic parameters. NOTE: please ensure that $TM envirnoment variable is pointing to Trimmomatic installation root
tail percent Remove taxa that correspond to this percentile in abundance estimation. Set to zero to keep all predictions
tail_contig percent Remove taxa from contig that correspond to this percentile. Reduces noise in abundance estimation.
trimm_sample_name 0/1 When setting sample-name from read1-name, trimm read1-name to the first occurance of "_"
See Command Line Options
ann1.databases: Reference databases for the 1st round annotations
minimap path Local Minimap2 database. Specify path to *.fasta or *.fasta.mmi file. This MUST be accomponied with *.acc2taxid tsv-file (see default Minimap2 databases for example)
blastn[.dbid] path Local blastn database. To specify several blastn databases use optional dbid (eg blastn.abv)
blastp[.dbid] path Local blastp database. To specify several blastp databases use optional dbid (eg blastp.viruses)
ann2.databases: Reference databases for the 2nd round annotations
$search.$target[.dbid] path Generally use any valid dbsearch (minimap/blastn/blastp) and any valid target (ab/ph/vi/un) to specify databases for the 2nd round annotations[.dbid] path Local blastn database targeting viral sequences. To specify several databases for the same target use dbid[.dbid] path Local blastp database targeting viral sequences. To specify several databases for a target use dbid
taxonomy dir Path to local NCBI taxonomy database. Database will be installed on demand
taxonomy_update 0/1 Set to 1 to update NCBI taxonomy db
taxonomy_update_time num NCBI taxonomy update frequency in days
urls: Urls for retrieving databases
taxonomy str URL to NCBI taxonomy (taxdump.tar.gz). This MUST be defined

Table 10: Default options in in config.yaml

Citing Lazypipe

  1. Plyusnin Ilya, Olli Vapalahti, Tarja Sironen, Ravi Kant, and Teemu Smura. “Enhanced Viral Metagenomics with Lazypipe 2.” Viruses 15, no. 2 (February 4, 2023): 431.

  2. Ilya Plyusnin, Ravi Kant, Anne J. Jaaskelainen, Tarja Sironen, Liisa Holm, Olli Vapalahti, Teemu Smura. (2020) Novel NGS Pipeline for Virus Discovery from a Wide Spectrum of Hosts and Sample Types. Virus Evolution, veaa091,


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