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Dizgruntled / Home


Dizgruntled is an open source Java remake of Monolith's Gruntz (1999)

Step 1 - Get Eclipse

To get started with programming Dizgruntled, you'll want to download a Java IDE which allows you to edit Java source code files easily. I recommend using eclipse, which can be downloaded from the following link: Make sure you download the correct version for your computer.

Step 2 - Get JDK 6

If not already installed you'll need the Java JDK (recommend JDK 8) to work with the Dizgruntled source. This is available on Oracle's site:

Step 3 - Get the source code

Now you need to get the source code for Dizgruntled. Dizgruntled is an actively changing project and uses GIT version control to keep everyone up to date with the latest changes to the code. A simple tutorial follows, but you might want to get more familiar with GIT using their online tutorials.

Step 3.1

To use GIT, you first need to install some GIT version control software on your computer. For Linux users type sudo apt-get install git. If you are in Windows or Mac then there are a whole range of useful software packages available such as Git For Windows:

Step 3.2

Now you want to open eclipse up and select a workspace for your eclipse projects, such as a new folder in your home directory. Open up a terminal and create an empty directory for your Dizgruntled project inside your eclipse workspace. Clone the source of the game and the source of the HOPE engine, which Dizgruntled runs off:

git clone
git clone

This copies the most up to date version of the code base to your computer.

Step 4 - Import the projects

In eclipse, now click on File > Import > Existing Projects into Workspace to import Dizgruntled and HOPE into eclipse. You should now be able to navigate through the project and see the .java files for Dizgruntled.

Step 5 - Add HOPE

To build Dizgruntled you need to link it to the HOPE source. Right-click on the dizgruntled project and click Properties. Select Java Build Path and then select the Project tab. Add hope to the list of required projects.

Step 6 - Add libraries

To run, HOPE refers to a number of libraries which allow it to display graphics, sounds and generally be useful. In the project explorer, navigate to the lib folder in the hope project, select the 4 .jar files, right click and choose Build Path -> Add to build path. This means that the libraries will be available when Dizgruntled will be running.

Step 7 - Add natives

HOPE also needs native .dll and .so libraries to display graphics in OpenGL. Open the properties for the hope project and go to Java Build Path -> Libraries. Click on lwjgl.jar and select Native library location. Click on the Native Library tab and type in hope/lib/natives, so that it knows where the .dll and .so libraries can be found.

Step 8 - Run

To run the game, select the run arrow and select GruntzGame, which is the main file for Dizgruntled
