Configure filename format

Issue #2 resolved
Frederic Thiery created an issue


It would be nice to be able to customize the destination filename format string.

Comments (5)

  1. Jonathan Poland repo owner

    I probably won't make the string itself editable, because it'd be a PITA to validate and whatnot, but I could make a few different options. I've had another request already to make the directory include the day. What would you like? Let me know, should be simple to do.

    The current format is: '%Y/%m_%b/%Y%m%d_%H%M%S%%c.%%e. You can read about what that means at:

  2. Frederic Thiery reporter

    I would like this format: %Y/%m - %B/%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S%%c.%%e It's not much different from yours but a little more human-readable.

    The problem with not allowing the user to edit the string directly is that you can't satisfy everyone with only a limited selection. Maybe you could provide a list of formats the user can choose from but allow him to still edit it?

  3. Jonathan Poland repo owner

    Fixed in 0.6, available on cphub soon. You will need to reinstall (instead of upgrade) to get the new config option, or edit the cfg.ini directly after upgrade (set the DSTFMT variable)

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