Incorrect lab day in the repo

Issue #4 resolved
Dhruv Singal created an issue

In the list displayed in the lab today, the lab day for me (12243, Dhruv Singal) was listed as Thursday, if I recall correctly. However, the list in the repo has listed it to be Monday for me. I have to attend lectures on Monday and Wednesday, and as a result I can only attend the lab on Thursday. Please fix the issue.

Comments (3)

  1. Abhimanyu Jaju

    The list on repo is old and doesn't take into account any time-table clashes. The list which was put on the notice board on the Lab Day (i.e. on Friday, Jan 9, 2015) is the final list except the fact that we're still resolving some time-table clashes of a few people.

    We'll put the final allocation as soon as possible. You don't have to worry about anything as long as you've informed us about your clashes. All will be taken care of.

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