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apps-gaea / GaeaReleases

Release Notes


  • Export: New Gaea export pipeline which support multiple profiles. Each publishing profile can include data processing rules (such as max texture size, mesh format, image compression quality, etc.).
  • HTML5 WebGL Player
  • Library: Levels are sorted alphabetically ;
  • niPainter: Simple specular lighting replaced by Glossy reflection.
  • niPainter: Prototype support for IES light profiles.
  • niPainter: Fixed rendering issue when removing the CastShadows flag from a light.
  • Windows 8.1: Set as a DPI aware application.


  • 3D View: Switch to work camera only when Alt AND the 0 to 9 keyboard key or a mouse button or the mouse wheel are pressed.
  • Added decal support for shader based render pipelines. (Pic)
  • Action/EntityCopyTransform: Added proper tested case and fixed a few issue. Garantees that when the action is set after a MixerAnimUpdate it will be synchronized correctly in the same frame so that no lag is visible.
  • Delete key will delete the selection when used in the View or in the Timeline.
  • Added a new Brush form that enables "painting" entities (Pic).
  • Initial version for MacOSX. (Pic)
  • Initial version for iOS.
  • New GPK format, handled by the ZipURLFileHandler automatically.
  • New URLFileLoader API which provides a better and more flexible abstraction for various input stream sources. Also setup the API to allow Async stream opening.
  • ni-app-android: Use ApplicationInfo.nativeLibraryDir API when available (uses reflection so that the SDK is still compatible with API Level 7 - Android 2.1).
  • C++ API: Doxygen documentation generated using Doxygen 1.8.3, keeps full namespaces and full search.
  • C++ API: Moved all the 'Impl' headers into 'Utils'.
  • C++ API: Merged niGraphics into niUI.
  • Removed all the Façade related APIs.
  • Fixed iSoundFactory global instance registration.
  • View clears the Timeline's selection before selecting an entity, this makes sure that we don't get a multi-selection if an action was selected in the timeline before selecting in the view.
  • The reload selection / reload last selection commands (Ctrl+A / Ctrl+Shift+A) clear and the set the selection back so that they are no invalid objects left in the scene tree.


  • Gaea: Material editor cleanup, added support for custom shader path.
  • niGraphics & niPainter: Added support for a custom shader in the material which overrides the render pipeline's default shader.
  • niLang: Refactored instance creation and object type registration system.


  • Gaea: Fixed the color picker being hidden when clicking on the background.
  • Kronos: Fixed PropertyChanged event not working as indented with String type.
  • GaeaPlayer (Android): Fixed wrong keyboard key code being sent.
  • niLang: enabled RT C++ modules support on Android.


  • Gaea Material Editor: Fixed issue #37 - Color picker reset alpha channel color to 1 ;
  • Gaea Transactions (Undo History): Color picker in the inspector records only one transaction instead of one for each change when the color picker popup is shown (only one transaction is recorded when the color picker is closed) ;
  • Gaea Library: Levels are reloaded form disk everytime they are set or explored in the library.
  • Gaea: Only Ctrl+Space toggles timeline play/pause state.
  • Kronos: LoadLevel action reloads the level description from disk every time.
  • Kronos: GameCtrlButton event, fixed issue where up would be triggered before a button was pressed even once. Also the GameCtrlButton event puts the normalized button pressure in VarA.
  • Kronos: GameCtrlStick & GameCtrlButton events have a GameCtrlIndex parameter. When set to -1 the event is triggered for any game controller, when >= 0 the event is triggered only for the game controller with the specified index. This allow the setup input for multiple game controllers.
  • Kronos: Removed the locked property from the Entities ;
  • Kronos: Renamed iKronos::ResolvePath to ResolvePathToVar ; Added ResolvePathToString which does the same thing but also uses the path as default value and unquote the returned string if necessary.
  • niUI & Kronos: Added GameCtrlButtonDown & Up messages.
  • Kronos: Fixed frame rate independence issue with dynamics scene.
  • Kronos: Primitive's dynamics body is activated when the timeline is played.
  • niPhysics: StepSimulation use the time step as-is.
  • niGraphics: GLES2 driver on Android does correct alpha compositing so that translucent background work as expected.
  • Removed deprecated actions: EntityBounce, Gravity and Ground ;


  • Gaea: Fixed BlendMode combo box in the material editor.
  • Gaea: Fixed bug where int(0) values were not updated in the inspector.
  • Android: Re-added Audio support.
  • Android: Changed build to target arm-v7a only.
  • niScene: Fixed particle system update rate to be frame time independant.
  • Kronos: Send Update message even when the timeline is paused.
  • Kronos: Removed iKronos::GetFrameAlpha.
  • niPainter: Fixed regression in ShaderCache that wouldn't bind the Tn channels correctly resulting in the refraction and lightprobes not working ;
  • niLang: Expression evaluator, evaluate URL to the returned type instead of always to string.
  • niLang: Expand scalar values on vectors as it was before (VecN(v,v,...) instead of VecN(x,0,...)).
  • niGraphics: OpenGL2, fixed rendering error (all white) when using Vertex colors without a texture.


  • Kronos: Entity update rate is the minimum update rate, if the frame rate is higher Update is called only once in the frame ; Essentially there's no more fixed update rate ;
  • Kronos: MakeUniqueEntityNamedDataTable rename values in a dt:// path - *not* in an expression.
  • Kronos: Text entity, bound @text property. The text property does not resolve any path on SerializeRead (when loaded).
  • Kronos: Removed action EntityReload. To "reload" a text use EntitySetProperty with the TEXTENTIYT\@text property.
  • Kronos: Unified the path resolution APIs:
    • The Resolve methods are replaced by a single unified method: iKronos::ResolvePath(aPath,apTarget,aDefaultValue).
    • Added in iKronos: CreateExpressionContextForActionAndTarget, ExpressionVariableToVar, VarTypeToExpressionType
    • Removed in iKronos: ResolveActionPath, ResolveActionPathVar, GetActionEventHStringVarA, GetActionEventHStringVarB, ResolvePathVar
    • Fixed bug in dt: protocol resolution when using ENTITY names.
  • niLang: Fixed crash bug in expression evaluator when adding an integer to a string.
  • niGraphics: OpenGL2 driver, fixed texture handle problem, texture handles are lazily created so that there's something bound to them immediately such that the opengl driver doesnt recycle the handle before we use it ;
  • Kronos: Particles entity, fixed timeline not updating regression ;
  • Kronos: Primitive & Character entities, fixed collision objects not disabled correctly when loaded the first time ;


  • Gaea: Console can be used as an interactive shell that runs niScript directly in the active application.
  • Gaea: Order of entities is preserved when reloading them.
  • Timeline: Added Ctrl+A to reload the selected entities ; Added Shift+Ctrl+A to reload the latest reloaded set.
  • Material Editor: Removed non-working & deprecated texture coordinate channel edit box ;
  • Input events (Keyboard, Finger*, GameCtrl*) have their time set to loop by default ;
  • Work Camera: Panning and Shift+WASD use a distance relative acceleration so that it works better with entities of widely different sizes ;
  • Refactored Action/MixerAnimUpdate, added AnimBlendTime and AnimBlendChannel properties which have been added to enable simple setup of blending. Removed Action/MixerAnimSetWeight.
  • niPainter: More compact shader cache flags format, fits in a regular UUID ;
  • niGraphics/niPainter: Removed explicit channel texture coordinate channel binding in iMaterial ;
  • niPainter: Fixed regression where Bloom and Water post process would not render their depth buffer correctly while used with MSAA ;
  • niPainter: StdMaterial.cgh, emissive isn't added to the diffuse in each light pass so that there's no pop when used with dynamic lights. Emissive should be used to render with the Bloom post process.
  • Gaea: AA is disabled by default.
  • niLang: Replaced minidump by a more readable crash log.
  • Installer: Include PDB files so that the crash log contains file and line infos.
  • niGraphics: Added Video textures from niVideo, video textures are correctly instantiated to be shared and only updated once per frame.
  • niSystem: Added support for Xbox 360 controllers (XInput) ;
  • niPhysics: Added ICollideCharacter::Accelerate, Move does an instantaneous movement, Accelerate uses an accelerating velocity ; Move is used to translate user input to reduce latency and provide a smoother experience with the CollideCharacter ;
  • niLang: Expression, fixed crash when using Rand() ; Fixed Rand2 not being registered ;
  • Kronos: Timeline, fixed various crash bug occurring when reloading entities in the timeline ;
  • niPhysics: Fixed crash bug occurring when doing queries right after an entity participating to a query is destroyed ;
  • niGraphics: DampedSpring, changed default timestep to 1/50 (was 1/20) so that they are more stable by default. Also fixed a bug in the timesteped update implementation.
  • Kronos:
    • Added UpdateFrame which is guaranteed to be called once per frame, Update is the fixed time step update, UpdateTimeline & UpdateFinal have been removed ;
    • Added iKronos::GetFrameAlpha which should be used before rendering to interpolate between the previous and current states ;
    • Added iKronosActionSink::OnKronosActionSink_UpdateFrame ;
    • Removed iKronosEvent::GetEntityMessagesFilter ;
    • Added iKronosTimeline::UpdateFrame ;
    • Changed the default fixed time step to 30fps (was 60fps) ;
    • eKronosEntityMessage_RenderSetup is correctly sent ;
    • iKronosEvent::EntityMessage receives eKronosEntityMessage_UpdateFrame when its timeline is playing ;


  • Entity/Character draws the character's skeleton when one or two entities are selected ;
  • niScene: Fixed animation re-targeting bug occurring when animations didn't match 100% the targeted skeleton.
  • sldCollada: Collada 1.2 - 1.4 import ;
  • niScene: Preserve the texture coordinates channels if they are present in the source file ; texture coordinates are not discarded if no material is set ;
  • niUI: List box entries aren't offset to the right after clearing the list box and filling it back. This bug was visible in the Gaea Library when typing "entityc" in the search box.
  • niGraphics: Hardware VGCanvas, fixed texture coordinate generation with Bitmap fill.
  • niLang: New MapIndex implementation which uses 50% less memory, this effectively reduces the memory usage of DataTables by the same amount ;
  • niLang: Shorter log messages ;


  • Android support, uses OpenGL ES 2 by default.
  • publishing: Fixed "Android Preview" and added a "Install Android Player" button. Note that the publishing form is going to be heavily refactored so this fairly ugly hack is tolerated for the time being.
  • installer: Bundle the latest GaeaPlayer for Android.
  • installer: Clean up the user's virtual store to make sure old versions are not present after install.
  • niGraphics: OpenGL(ES)2, tested and fixed issues with shaders on GLES2 (on Android) ;


  • Inspector: Fixed issue with Transform/flags property ;
  • Gaea Menu: Fixed sub menus not working ;
  • niUI: Fixed "clicking stuff under menu too" issue, occuring with sub menus ;
  • niGraphics: Removed Tangent & BiNormals completly, those are automatically computed in the shaders when needed ;
  • niGraphics: Support swizzled normal maps in RGBA - which happens if DXT is converted to RGBA at load time ;
  • niGraphics: OpenGL(ES)2, added cube map support ;
  • niGraphics: OpenGL(ES)2, added shader support (equivalent of DX9 PS&VS 3.0) ;


  • Installer: Standard Gaea icons don't display the windows console. Create three additional Gaea icons in the TalanSoft start menu, one to start Gaea using each renderer explicitly (D3D9,GL1,GL2), these icons also open the windows console.
  • Gaea: Fixed color picker not closing when left clicking outside of the drop down.
  • niUI: Removed deprecated APIs iFont::Set/GetBackgroundColor, iFont::Set/GetItalicPente and iWidget::Set/GetBackgroundColor ;
  • niUI: The root widget doesn't clear the background anymore. The DockingManager clears its background color which is fetched from the skin. This means that disabling the clearing of the UI is as simple as setting the DockingManager's Background color to (0,0,0,0), another way is to override the desktop widget's Paint message and do nothing - these are useful when the UI is drawn over another application.
  • niGraphics: OpenGL 1, ES1, 2 and ES2 rendering drivers.


  • Kronos: Allows the use of relative paths in the actions' entity target. An entity target path should start with a / and can contain .. to fetch the parent entity and ENTITYNAME to fetch a precise entity. For example: /.. returns the parent entity, /Camera/../.. returns the parent of the parent of the Camera entity.
  • Timeline: Copy/Paste of entities correctly renames the entity target in the actions.
  • Timeline: Expand/Collapse children applied recursively on the children of the children.
  • Inspector: Preserve groups folding state between selections and Gaea startups.
  • Inspector: Preserve vertical scroll bar position between selections and Gaea startups.
  • Inspector: When selecting the editbox of a property selects the whole text.
  • Inspector: Cleaner Group rendering.



  • Entity/DataTable: Refactored to be easier to use. It preserves its inital values and restores them when the playback stops. The initial value of a property is the value set in the inspector, or the first value set by Action/DataTableSetProperty if it creates the property.
  • Gaea Inspector: Special editor for the DataTable properties, the value of the property is blue when playback is running, this indicates that the value will be reset when the playback stops. The initial value of a property can be set while the timeline is stopped or paused. The new editor also preserves the type of property correctly.
  • Gaea Timeline Form: Added "Expand Children" and "Collapse Children" commands in the right-click menu.
  • Gaea Timeline Form: Double-click toggle the expanded state of the nodes.
  • Gaea Timeline Form: Events timelines are not expanded by default.
  • Smaller level.xml, optimized the material serialization to remove redundant information. Example of difference before and after, 2135236b to 624376b (or 30% of the previous size), and 552093b to 163718b (29% of the previous size).
  • niLang VM: Fixed a crash bug due to closure not being held strongly in the callstack causing them to be released prematurely in some edge case.


+ Entity/Camera: Added an orthogonal flag and the ortho_size parameter to setup the ortho projection's size ; Note that the old camera projection parameter will be loaded correctly, so levels using ortho cameras with Gaea 2 are fully backward compatible ;

+ Action/DataTableSetProperty: Integers are promoted to float when both start_expr and end_expr are specified ;

+ Gaea: Material Editor: Fixed the sampler states not being applied the same to all material channels ;

+ Gaea: Added keyboard shortcuts to the standalone player: F1 to toggle the FPS counter and F11 to toggle fullscreen ;

+ Kronos: Removed pointless and buggy ObjectSpaceAxis flag of AnimPosition, AnimPositionDistance, AnimRotate and AnimRotateAngle ;

+ Entity/CollideCharacter: Added no_strafe flag ;

+ Added Event/FingerRayCast.


+ Gaea: Material Editor: Simplified texture filtering, only has point (mipmap if present, point filtering), smooth (anisotropy 4-8 or tilinear) and sharper (smooth with -1 lod bias), removed lod bias and anisotropy factor from the SamplerStates ;

+ Gaea: Editor: Fixed normals, checker, mipmaps, etc... view modes - light is not needed for the non-lit modes (so placing a light is not needed to view normals, uvs, etc...) ;

+ Gaea: Editor: Ctrl/Shift+Space only toggles the global timeline's play/pause state, doesn't automatically set the <Final> camera ;

+ niLang & niSystem: Fixed potential read access error when parsing invalid XML attributes. - Could crash Gaea in some edge cases.

+ Kronos: Fixed crash when loading an invalid or empty game file.

+ Action/AnimAllTo: Removed non-sensical RestoreStartOnEnd property and added the FinishAnim flag ;

+ Kronos: Timeline, preserve the order of the selection when copying actions, events and entities. Fix the "action are copied in reversed order" issue.

+ Cleaned up default collide classes. That is the default setup in the Layer, the Widget entity uses the widget collide class, and the CollideCharacter entity uses the dynamic collide class.

+ niPainter: Fixed loading of render path custom states ;

+ niPainter: Fixed specular intensity of the LightProbe render path being ignored ;

+ niPainter: Fixed bug with NoLighting in Forward5 render path ;

+ niPainter: Fixed CustomShaders render path ;


+ Kronos: Keyboard event, fixed regression, StopWhenReleased flag not working as intended ;


+ Gaea: Removed layout buttons and keyboard shortcuts (F5-F8) ;

+ Gaea: Hover documentation on form Tab buttons and Top widget buttons ;

+ Gaea: Fixed FullScreen toggle not preserving the maximized state of the window when going out of fullscreen ; This affects both F11 (whole Gaea fullscreen) and Ctrl+Enter (Editor fullscreen) ;

+ Gaea: Editor: Gizmo and selection in the view are disabled when in capture input or when using the final view and the timeline is playing ;

+ Gaea: Editor: Ctrl+Space to go to final view with playback started ;

+ Gaea: Editor: Fixed issues with Double Right Click / Escape capture input ;

+ Gaea: WorkCamera, added Up/Down/Left/Right/PgUp/PgDn which mirror W/S/A/D/R/F.

+ Cleaned up rendering of time blocks in the Timeline form

+ Added Action/TimelineStates ;

+ Kronos: More reliable event update check, allows to remove most of the time offsets which were necessary with the TimelineJumpTo to avoid two events being triggered in the same frame.

+ Kronos: Removed iKronosActionSink::OnKronosActionSink_EntityMessage, this can always be done more efficiently in an event.

+ Kronos: Timeline events can only intercept Physics, Input, DataTable, Action and Custom message types. This is much more efficient since it never has to check for per-frame messages such as update and rendering which also have no practical use case as event.

+ Cleaned up the timeline play/pause/stop behavior.

+ Added Action/TimelineLoop which changes the loop flag of the targeted timeline ;

- Removed Action/TimelineUnpause.

+ Action/MaterialSetColor, added start_color_on_start and finish_anim flags ;

+ Entity/Character, added documentation, removed AutoInstance create_flags, everything is auto instanced when possible.

+ Inspector, fixed wrong order of child groups - for example for the LODs in the Character not being beside the [+] button ;

+ Hover documentation receives the mouse wheel so that you can scroll through the text of the popup doc in the Library.

+ niUI/WidgetTree: Fixed crash occurring only when exiting Gaea ;


+ Added documentation for Entity/Camera, Entity/Light and Entity/Primitive ;

+ Cleaned up Entity/Camera & Entity/Light inspector ;

+ Fixed issue #34 - Light color don't change when set with the new inspector ;

+ Gaea, Library: Hide system and deprecated entities, events and actions ;

+ Action/DataTableSetProperty: expression replaced by start_expr and end_expr, expression is loaded in start_expr for backward compatibility.

+ Entity/Camera: Bind the fov property.

+ Entity/Light: Bind the diffuse, specular, intensity, shadow_color, spot_inner & spot_outer properties.

+ Kronos: Added property binding to the API so that DataTableSetProperty can also access special properties of several type of entities.

+ Kronos: Removed all the Light actions which are superseded by the bound property and using DataTableSetProperty.

+ niUI: WidgetTree, fixed crash, use WeakPtr to make the tree node ownership more explicit - crash would happen in Gaea when reloading the layout while the timeline's tree was in some particular state.


+ Installer: Associate .gpk, .gml, .nip & .niw to start with the Gaea Player ;

+ niUI: WidgetTree, right click changes the selection only if the item under the mouse isn't already selected.

+ Wiki hover automatically resize to fit its content, this affects the library and the comments ;


+ Commenting in the timeline (issue #29). Right click an entity, click Edit Comment to edit the comments for an entity, event or action. Left click the text icon in the timeline to view the comment.

Comment files are saved in APPDIR/docs/levels/LEVELNAME/, you can add or edit those by hand if you wish, the commenting system will pick up the changes automatically.

+ Fixed bug: Incorrect level data when using Save As and then re-loading the new "saved as" level by dragging it in the timeline or 3d view ;

+ Built with VC++ 10 so that it works with WinXP (issue #33).


+ New action DataTableSetProperty which uses a proper expression to set the value of the property. This enables the usage of other properties' values and the usage of complex mathematic expressions. This action supersedes Action/EntityIncProperty and Action/EntitySetProperty which will be removed in the near future.

+ Action/LookAtEntity: Cleaned up the script and renamed the "observer" property to the standard "target" property ; the loading code is backward compatible and will check if the old observer property was used.

+ Kronos: Removed deprecated actions: AnimPath, EntityExtend, SoundEntityPlay, SoundEntityPause, SoundEntityStop, SoundEntitySpeed, SoundEntityVolume, SetCursor, TimelineAnimJumpTo ;


+ Painter: PPBloom fixed swapped CameraVertical / CameraHorizontal glare types (issue #19) ;

+ Timeline: start_time / end_time property serialized in the natural order (issue #32) ;

+ Documentation: Added support for wiki URLs ;

+ Documentation: Automatically pull the latest documentation version before building the installer so each new Gaea release will come with the latest documentation available at the time of the build.


+ New Widget entity which embeds any niUI Widget seamlessly in Gaea ;

+ New WidgetSubmit event which is triggered when niUI Widget elements are validated ;

+ niUI: Flexible UIContext which can be drawn manually and to which input can be submitted as needed ;

+ niUI: Fixed Exclusive widget not being always placed back on top of the drawing stack - This fixed an issue in Gaea where the "Open/Create App File" explorer dialog would pop behind the "Kronos App wizard" after cancelling a create new folder dialog ;

+ niUI: Fixed widget focus bug introduced when refactoring to use WeakPtr ;


+ Gaea Installer: Documentation is bundled in the installer, it is a copy of the repository's wiki at ;

+ Kronos Library: Display the documentation properly formatted using the Wiki text rendering ;

+ scripts/gui/wiki_text: Creole wiki to WidgetText converter ;

+ niUI: Formatted text rendering widget ;


+ niUI: Using new WeakPtr support to fix a couple of potential crash bugs ;

+ Kronos: Fixed crash bug with the actions AnimPositionDistance and AnimRotateAngle occurring when using an invalid or non-existing target with their FinishAnim flag turned on.

+ niLang: Added low-level WeakPtr support ;


+ Kronos View: Camera drawn as a selectable camera icon in edit mode, Ctrl+; to toggle on/off (its in the View ribbon) ;

+ Kronos View: Light drawn as a selectable light icon in edit mode ;

+ Kronos: MixerAnimSetWeight&SetSpeed, garantees that the exact Start/End values are set when the actions starts or ends.

+ Inspector: Changed the Push button to a Checkbox for all Boolean (on/off) values ;

+ Library: Hover items looks for available documentation ;

+ Library: Show a different icon for actions and events which are specific to the current project loaded ;


+ Kronos: Added MixerAnimUpdate, MixerAnimSetWeight and MixerAnimSetSpeed actions which can be used to precisely drive the animations of any entity which implement the iAnimationMixer interface, such as the "Character" entity ;

+ Kronos: Character entity, removed controller_path (for the .char.xml) which is deprecated ;

+ niScene: Removed support for the char.xml files, deprecated by new actions in Gaea. Refactored the iAnimationMixer API.


+ Property Box: Smoother loading ; Loads less per frame using a new concurrency function in niLang so that inspector's loading isn't noticeable (<= 5ms per frame consumed max) ;


+ Installer for Windows is back

+ Control Center: Fixed issue with locale (language selection).

+ Toolbar: Fixed "sticky" feeling, poping pages are now closed immediately on click down such that they don't "eat" the click down.

+ Property Box: Preserve the vertical scrolling position between selections.


+ Property Box: Added progressive loading so that selections remain responsive no matter how complex the selected element (entity/action/event) is.

+ Button: Fixed pixel alignment rendering issue of check boxes.


+ Kronos Timeline: Smoother node drag'n drop experience due to the changes in the TreeView.

~ Kronos Timeline: Better performance when copying or moving redundant items within the tree view.

~ Kronos Timeline: Fixed a crash bug.

+ TreeView: More readable selection rendering and intuitive behavior for multi-selection and drag'n drop (same as the Windows explorer where applicable).

+ Group Widget: Fixed glitch in rendering borders.


+ View Editor: Ctrl+Enter switch the 3D editor & app to fullscreen ; Use Ctrl+Shift+Enter to only switch the editor to fullscreen (the editor fills the app's window).

+ Quick Search in Library and Tree View: Fixed "sticky" feeling, start typing to search, you can click on the selected item without dismissing the search form, it is automatically closed if you click outside of it.

+ Menus: Fixed "sticky" feeling, menus are now closed immediately on click down such that they don't "eat" the click down.

+ New default layouts: Added the Transactions form in the default layouts so that undo/redo works by default :)

+ Transaction form: Using short and clean transaction name in the transaction list.
