Character attributes aren't granted during levelup while attributes are enhanced

Issue #195 closed
Daniel Alexander created an issue

Character attributes are not granted during levelup in relation to the stats you currently have equipped or enhanced (this may also be the case with buffs).

Comments (8)

  1. Daniel Alexander reporter

    So, With a bit of research, I think I see that there’s a conflict with the way attributes are granted. The server currently looks like it only uses (a)_modified (where a=Luck, Constitution, Agility, Ect…).

    Base Character (white) attributes (from species, profession, ect…) are static and are granted as the player levels and stays unmodified unless there is a profession change.

    Enhancement or (attribute)_modified are flexible and always changing with Ent Buffs, Buffs/Debuffs, PUPs, Expertise, and Statted Equipment and are designed to stack on top of the base character attributes as well as themselves.

    This would explain why you currently aren’t granted attributes when you level up, while wearing statted clothing or have an active buff; the server/client assumes you've already been given those attributes.

    I hear Pictures are a 1000 words… so i tried to keep it under 20k:

    So if this turns out to be 100% true, I guess we can merge issues #195 & #198 into one new “todo” issue.

  2. Peter Tigges

    attributes you gain via leveling up => constitution

    attributes you gain via items/buffs => constitution_modified

    character sheet should then display the total amount of constitution and constitution_modified

    as soon as you equip an item or have a buff your character attribute value should turn green. white if you dont have any except your “normal” combat level related ones

  3. Daniel Alexander reporter

    I’m pretty sure the client should just do that automatically. I think the code might be using “constitution_modified” rather than “constitution” for the Character/Profession attributes (Cant’t find where that would be specifically referenced)

    Either way, there should be two separate sets of attributes defined in the code - One static (does not change very often), and the other fluid (changes all the time and gets updated frequently, and loads on top of the static attributes.)

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