Keywords in spatial messages trigger emotes

Issue #98 closed
Mads Boddum created an issue

This is pre-NGE behavior. NGE behavior has the animation but not an actual emote.

Comments (7)

  1. Mads Boddum reporter

    For SocialInternalCmdCallback there are apparently two unknowns in the args string. These might determine how to do this.

  2. Mads Boddum reporter

    Definitely found the culprit, though. Commands log revealed this:

    04-04-18 11:20:59.692 spatialchatinternal      [from: Ota, script: spatialChatInternal, target: null]
    04-04-18 11:20:59.702 socialinternal           [from: Ota, script: socialInternal, target: null]
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