Support for Thermo Q Exactive Plus (accession number MS:1002634)

Issue #3 resolved
Former user created an issue

Please add support for Thermo Q Exactive Plus (accession number MS:1002634)

Example 1 minute blank raw file atttached.

Many thanks,

Matthias Ziehm

MDC Berlin, Germany

Comments (3)

  1. Wout Bittremieux

    Hi Matthias,

    Thank you for attaching an example file.

    Based on information in the file it originates from a normal Q-Exactive (accession number MS:1001911) instead of from a Q-Exactive Plus. The Q-Exactive model should be fully supported already.

    Do you get a specific error or malfunctioning if you try to process your files?

    Thanks, Wout

  2. Wout Bittremieux

    By lack of a raw file to verify support for Q-Exactive Plus instruments I'm going to close this is.

    Because the Q-Exactive Plus uses the same instrument platform as the Q-Exactive, which is fully supported, I don't expect there to be any problems processing files from a Q-Exactive Plus instrument either.

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