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iMonDB / CollectorRunning

Running the iMonDB Collector

The iMonDB Collector can be used to keep the iMonDB up to date by retrieving new raw files and storing their instrument parameters in the database. It can be run either as a GUI application, or as a CLI application.

Graphical user interface

First, the GUI can be used to easily configure the iMonDB Collector and to validate the configuration, as detailed here. Second, if the configuration has been validated successfully, the GUI can be used to execute the Collector functionality.

GUI execution

Command line interface

Alternatively, the iMonDB Collector can be run directly from the command line with the following arguments:

usage: iMonDB-collector [-? | -c | -g]   [-l <arg>]
 -?,--help              show help
 -c,--cli               run from the command-line interface
 -g,--gui               run from the graphical user interface (default)
 -l,--log-level <arg>   the log granularity level (0-5). 0: no logging, 5:
                        extremely detailed logging, default: 3

Therefore, the two possible execution options are:

  • -g: Start the graphical user interface. The GUI will also be used by default if no execution option is provided.
  • -c: Start the command line interface.

Furthermore, the granularity of the logging can be specified between 0 and 5. Here 0 indicates no logging, while 5 indicates extremely detailed logging. By default, the logging granularity is 3, which results in log notifications for most of the high-level actions that are undertaken. A more detailed logging is only recommended when debugging the application, as this results in a very verbose log output which might incur significant overhead. The logging granularity applies to both the logging when using the GUI and the CLI.
