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iMonDB / CoreCLI

iMonDB Core command-line interface

Although the main goal of the iMonDB Core is to provide an API for developers, limited command-line functionality is provided to quickly demonstrate the iMonDB functionality. Using the command-line interface it is possible to effortlessly extract the instrument settings from a raw file and store this data in an iMonDB RDBDMS.

Here you can see the command-line arguments iMonDB Core accepts. This information can also be retrieved by providing the -? argument when running iMonDB Core.

usage: iMonDB-core [-?] [-db <arg>] [-f <arg>] [-h <arg>] [-i <arg>] [-p <arg>] [-pw <arg>] [-u <arg>] [-v | -vv]
 -?,--help               show help
 -db,--database <arg>    the iMonDB MySQL database
 -f,--file <arg>         the raw file to store in the iMonDB
 -h,--host <arg>         the iMonDB MySQL host
 -i,--instrument <arg>   the name of the instrument on which the raw file was obtained (this instrument should be in the iMonDB already)
 -p,--port <arg>         the iMonDB MySQL port
 -pw,--password <arg>    the iMonDB MySQL password
 -u,--user <arg>         the iMonDB MySQL user name
 -v,--verbose            verbose logging
 -vv,--very-verbose      extremely verbose logging

First, it is possible to enable a limited or extensive amount of logging through the -v and -vv flags. By default, logging is turned off.

Next, in order to connect to an iMonDB, the MySQL information has to be provided:

  • -h: the iMonDB MySQL host, defaults to localhost
  • -p: the iMonDB MySQL port, defaults to 3306
  • -db: the iMonDB MySQL database
  • u: the iMonDB MySQL user name
  • pw: the iMonDB MySQL password, defaults to none

Additionally, the raw file from which the instrument settings need to be extracted needs to be provided (-f), along with the name of the instrument from which this raw file was obtained (-i). This instrument needs to be present in the database beforehand.
