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iMonDB / Viewer

Visualizing instrument parameters

The iMonDB Viewer provides a basic GUI application to visualize instrument settings retrieved from the iMonDB over time.

First, a connection to the iMonDB has to be made.

Connecting to the database

Next, an instrument and property can be selected through the dropdown menu's to visualize a specific instrument parameter.

Selecting a property

It is possible to interact with the visualized graph by selecting a specific area of interest with the mouse, or through the right-click context menu. Furthermore, graphs can be saved as an image file by right-clicking on the graph, or through the File menu.

Additionally, advanced search settings can be provided to show only specific properties or runs by clicking on the magnifying glass icon. Here it is possible to filter properties based on a substring, and to limit runs to match specific metadata (if metadata is present for the currently selected instrument).

Advanced search settings
