Samsung galaxy 3

Issue #3 resolved
Former user created an issue

Thanks to your app I've discovered the game of life Alas on my s3 I have no quit button and clicking on go and next squares is pretty difficult, as well as activating cells Besides I wanted to say that I cannot use the latest version of your program (I guess for some thing with Gui but I don't remember why because I've discovered only now the '' issues''button on fdroid, sorry guys...) Thank you

Comments (2)

  1. Przemyslaw Rzepecki repo owner

    Well guys and girls. Thanks for the feedback and Your comments. In the Version 20131217 the next and pause resume checkboxes are replaced with some simple buttons. I am planning to add some menu with larger, easy to click controls. It should also include the quit button.

    Could You describe more about the problem with the latest version? Has it fail to start on S3, do You have some logs? (like $ adb logcat)

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