Make Postman's context processor lazy

Issue #111 resolved
Meiyer created an issue

In particular, it would be useful (and spare trips to the database) if the postman_unread_count variable could be made a SimpleLazyObject.

Motivation: we have different views that do not actually need the variable, and templates evaluated within other templates that cause duplicated trips to the database.

Comments (10)

  1. Meiyer reporter

    I noticed already some time ago but did not have the time to investigate this further, that on each page load on our website there are 8 requests done to the DB to fetch the number of unread messages (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "postman_message"). We have a template snippet that includes the postman_unread_count variable several times, which is the reason the value is queried more than once.

    This started happening after the change of the context variable to resolve this issue #111. Upon further investigation that I finally managed to do, the culprit is the wrapping of the value in a lazy call. Per the documentation in Django’s code: “Results are not memoized; the function is evaluated on every access”, which causes the excessive database queries. Changing from lazy to a SimpleLazyObject fixed the issue: the value is evaluated only once and then remembered.

  2. Meiyer reporter

    @Patrick Samson Are you planning to release a fix soon or should we implement a temporary workaround?

  3. Patrick Samson repo owner
    • changed status to open

    re-open ; 2019-03-02 first fix was SimpleLazyObject ; 2020-07-10 conversion to lazy() was supposed to be neutral, but it seems not. Under investigation.

  4. Patrick Samson repo owner

    There are pros and cons to choose between a cached value or a refreshed value for each reference to a context variable.

    For example, csrf_token is SimpeLazyObject(), but sql_queries is lazy() to reflect the exact current state.

    postman_unread_count should be stable during the rendering of a view, but on the other hand, it is not expected, in a basic view, to reference the variable multiple times.

    Could you please check if your “template snippet” can be optimized with a cache:

    {% with uc=postman_unread_count %}
    ... reference {{ uc }} as many times you want
    {% endwith %}

  5. Meiyer reporter

    I tried the caching optimization, and the result is as follows:

    Not sure why the count cannot be referenced several times. For example, our template code (simplified) looks a bit like this:

    {% if not postman_unread_count %}
        <!-- show empty inbox UI element -->
    {% else %}
        {% blocktranslate count unread=postman_unread_count trimmed %}
            {{ count}} new message
        {% plural %}
            {{ count}} new messages
        {% endblocktranslate %}
        {% if postman_unread_count <= 99 %}
            <!-- show half-full inbox UI element -->
        {% else %}
            <!-- show overflowing inbox UI element -->
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

  6. Patrick Samson repo owner

    I still don’t see the usage of the with tag. But instead 3 evaluations of the variable in this template example.

  7. Meiyer reporter

    The snippet above is an example. Earlier you said “it is not expected, in a basic view, to reference the variable multiple times” – thus I provided the above snippet as an example of legitimate code that needs the variable several times. I think it is not out of the ordinary to use it like that..?

    On our actual website, I wrapped the code (which is similar to the above) in a {% with %} ... {% endwith %} , as you suggested; this did not reduce the number of queries. Each time I add 1 more reference (within the {% with %} block!) to the variable that received the postman_unread_count’s value, there is 1 more query to the database. This is what the picture with the 9 queries shows.

    I just added a bunch of print statements into Django code, and got the following output. Apparently, even the {% with %} tag does not evaluate the lazy expression and keeps it lazy. As you can see, each reference to the postman_unread_count_value variable (assigned to in the {% with %} tag) results in a new evaluation.

    WithNode __init__() ctx={'postman_unread_count_value': <django.template.base.FilterExpression object at 0x7fc3e446efd0>}
    FilterExpression resolve() <Variable: 'postman_unread_count'>
    Variable resolve() var_name=postman_unread_count in context
          <class 'function'> ==> <function inbox.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f2d1c4a0a70>
    WithNode render() values = {'postman_unread_count_value': "<class 'django.utils.functional.lazy.<locals>.__proxy__'> 6"}
    FilterExpression resolve() 'postman:inbox'
    FilterExpression resolve() <Variable: 'postman_unread_count_value'>
    Variable resolve() var_name=postman_unread_count_value in context
          <class 'django.utils.functional.lazy.<locals>.__proxy__'> ==> 6
    FilterExpression resolve() <Variable: 'postman_unread_count_value'>
    Variable resolve() var_name=postman_unread_count_value in context
          <class 'django.utils.functional.lazy.<locals>.__proxy__'> ==> 6
    FilterExpression resolve() <Variable: 'postman_unread_count_value'>
    Variable resolve() var_name=postman_unread_count_value in context
          <class 'django.utils.functional.lazy.<locals>.__proxy__'> ==> 6
    /root/.venvs/mydev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/utils/translation/ DeprecationWarning: Plural value must be an integer, got __proxy__
      tmsg = self._catalog.plural(msgid1, n)
    FilterExpression resolve() <Variable: 'postman_unread_count_value'>
    Variable resolve() var_name=postman_unread_count_value in context
          <class 'django.utils.functional.lazy.<locals>.__proxy__'> ==> 6
    FilterExpression resolve() <Variable: 'postman_unread_count_value'>
    Variable resolve() var_name=postman_unread_count_value in context
          <class 'django.utils.functional.lazy.<locals>.__proxy__'> ==> 6

  8. Patrick Samson repo owner

    You’re right. I’m trying to find if there is a solution (may be not). Meanwhile, a workaround is to force the evaluation to a string with a noop filter, such as:

    {% with uc=postman_unread_count|lower %}

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