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Only unread messages from Inbox

New in version 4.2.

You may restrict the Inbox view to only unread messages by providing the unread option in the query string of the link.


<a href="{% url 'postman:inbox' %}?unread">Unread messages</a>

Limit the number of retrieved messages

New in version 4.2.

You may ceil the number of objects retrieved from folders by providing the limit option in the query string of the link.


<a href="{% url 'postman:inbox' %}?limit=10">Last messages</a>

Direct write to

In the pages of your site, you can put links containing the recipient name(s).


<a href="{% url 'postman:write' username %}">write to {{ username }}</a>

Separate multiple usernames with a : character.


<a href="{% url 'postman:write' 'adm1:adm2:adm3' %}">write to admins</a>

Prefilled fields

You may prefill the contents of some fields by providing a query string in the link.


<a href="{% url 'postman:write' %}?subject=details request&body=give me details about ...">
ask for details

Recipients Min/Max

If you need to constraint the maximum number of recipients in the forms, you can pass the optional max parameter to the view. There is no parameter for a minimum number, but you can code a custom form and pass a min parameter to the recipient field (see Advanced Usage below for details).

Views supporting the parameter are: WriteView, ReplyView.

But this parameter does not apply to the default AnonymousWriteForm for visitors: The maximum is enforced to 1 (see Advanced Usage below for knowing how), in order to keep the features available to anonymous users to a strict minimum.


urlpatterns = [
    # ...
    re_path(r'… ✂ …', WriteView.as_view(max=3), name='write'),
    # ...

Advanced usage

If you define your own custom form, you may specify a min parameter and a max parameter to the recipients field.

For example:

from postman.forms import WriteForm
class MyWriteForm(WriteForm):
    recipients = CommaSeparatedUserField(label="Recipients", min=2, max=5)

If you do not want the fixed max parameter of the recipients field in your custom form, to be superseded by the parameter passed to the view, set the can_overwrite_limits form attribute to False.

For example:

class MyThreeAnonymousWriteForm(MyBaseAnonymousWriteForm):
    can_overwrite_limits = False
    recipients = CommaSeparatedUserField(label="Recipients", max=3)

See also:

User filter

If there are some situations where a user should not be a recipient, you can write a filter and pass it to the view.

Views supporting a user filter are: WriteView, ReplyView.


def my_user_filter(user):
    if user.get_profile().is_absent:
        return "is away"
    return None

urlpatterns = [
    # ...
    re_path(r'… ✂ …', WriteView.as_view(user_filter=my_user_filter), name='write'),
    # ...

The filter will be called for each recipient, for validation.


  • user: a User instance, as the recipient of the message


If the recipient is allowed, just return None.

To forbid the message, use one of these means:

  • return False or '', if you do not want to give a reason for the refusal. The error message will be: "Some usernames are rejected: foo, bar."
  • return a string, as a reason for the refusal. The error message will be: "Some usernames are rejected: foo (reason), bar (reason)."
  • raise a ValidationError with an error message to your liking.

Advanced usage

If you define your own custom form, you may specify a user filter inside.

For example:

def my_user_filter(user):
    # ...
    return None

from postman.forms import WriteForm
class MyWriteForm(WriteForm):
    recipients = CommaSeparatedUserField(label="Recipients", user_filter=my_user_filter)

Exchange filter

If there are some situations where an exchange should not take place, you can write a filter and pass it to the view. Typical usages would be: blacklists, users that do not want solicitation from visitors.

Views supporting an exchange filter are: WriteView, ReplyView.

An example, with the django-relationships application:

def my_exchange_filter(sender, recipient, recipients_list):
    if recipient.relationships.exists(sender, RelationshipStatus.objects.blocking()):
        return "has blacklisted you"
    return None

urlpatterns = [
    # ...
    re_path(r'… ✂ …', WriteView.as_view(exchange_filter=my_exchange_filter), name='write'),
    # ...

The filter will be called for each couple, to validate that the exchange is possible.

(New in version 3.3.0) In the case of a reply, there is an additional call for the implicit recipient when it is a User. The value of the recipients_list parameter allows to differentiate the context.


  • sender: a User instance, as the sender of the message, or None if the writer is not authenticated
  • recipient: a User instance, as the recipient of the message
  • recipients_list: the full list of recipients or (New in version 3.3.0) None in the case of the implicit recipient for a reply. Provided as a convenient additional element of decision.


If the exchange is allowed, just return None.

To forbid the exchange, use one of these means:

  • return False or '', if you do not want to give a reason for the refusal. The error message will be: "Writing to some users is not possible: foo, bar."
  • return a string, as a reason for the refusal. The error message will be: "Writing to some users is not possible: foo (reason), bar (reason)."
  • raise a ValidationError with an error message to your liking.

Advanced usage

If you define your own custom form, you may specify an exchange filter inside.

For example:

def my_exchange_filter(sender, recipient, recipients_list):
    # ...
    return None

from postman.forms import WriteForm
class MyWriteForm(WriteForm):
    exchange_filter = staticmethod(my_exchange_filter)

Auto-complete field

An auto-complete functionality may be useful on the recipients field.

To activate the option, set at least the arg_default key in the POSTMAN_AUTOCOMPLETER_APP dictionary. If the default ajax_select application is used, define a matching entry in the AJAX_LOOKUP_CHANNELS dictionary.


    'postman_users': dict(model='auth.user', search_field='username'),
    'arg_default': 'postman_users',

Don't forget that not-custom channels are restricted to users having the is_staff property.

In case of version 1.1.4/5 of django-ajax-selects:

Support for multiple recipients is not turned on by default by django-ajax-selects. To allow this capability, you have to pass the option multiple: true to jquery-plugin-autocomplete.

Make your own templates, based on these two files, given as implementation examples:

  • postman/templates/autocomplete_postman_multiple_as1-1.html
  • postman/templates/autocomplete_postman_single_as1-1.html

These examples include a correction necessary for the support of the 'multiple' option.

In case of version 1.2.x of django-ajax-selects:

Refer to the installation guide of this application, in particular the use of AJAX_SELECT_BOOTSTRAP and AJAX_SELECT_INLINES. Support for multiple recipients is not as simple as an option: see the examples in the jQuery UI demos.

You can use the following working implementation example:

  • postman/templates/autocomplete_postman_multiple_as1-2.html

(New in version 3.3.0) In case of version 1.3.x of django-ajax-selects:

To make your own templates/autocomplete.html or templates/autocomplete_<channel>.html, you can use the following working implementation example:

  • postman/templates/autocomplete_postman_multiple_as1-3.html


You may attach a specific channel, different from the default one, to a particular view.

Views supporting an auto-complete parameter are: WriteView, ReplyView.

For the WriteView view, the parameter is named autocomplete_channels (note the plural). It supports two variations:

  • a 2-tuple of channels names: the first one for authenticated users, the second for visitors. Specify None if you let the default channel name for one of the tuple parts.
  • a single channel name: the same for users and visitors

For the ReplyView view, the parameter is named autocomplete_channel (note the singular). The value is the channel name.


urlpatterns = [
    # ...
    re_path(r'… ✂ …', WriteView.as_view(autocomplete_channels=(None,'anonymous_ac')), name='write'),
    re_path(r'… ✂ …', ReplyView.as_view(autocomplete_channel='reply_ac'), name='reply'),
    # ...


urlpatterns = [
    # ...
    re_path(r'… ✂ …', WriteView.as_view(autocomplete_channels='write_ac'), name='write'),
    # ...

Advanced usage

If you define your own custom form, you may specify an autocomplete channel inside.

For example:

from postman.forms import WriteForm
class MyWriteForm(WriteForm):
    recipients = CommaSeparatedUserField(label="Recipients", channel='my_channel')

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