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AMPscript Extensions / Home


Welcome to AMPscript in Color!

This repository contains AMPscript extensions for both Sublime Text and Notepad++.

Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, html and prose. You'll love the slick user interface and extraordinary features.

I've built a package for AMPscript to enhance the experience of coding in this language and use Sublime Text features like autocomplete, code highlighting and code snippets.

Additionally, you will find a code extension for Notepad++ which allows code highlighting.


Sublime Text

After downloading Sublime Text, download the latest version of the package file located in the downloads section.

If you’re running a full installation of Sublime Text, simply double-click on the .sublime-package. Sublime Text will take care of the rest.

If you’re using a portable installation, copy the .sublime-package to the Data/Installed Packages directory manually and restart Sublime Text.

More info can be found here.


After downloading Notepad++, download the latest version of the user defined xml file located in the downloads section.

Then, open Notepad++ and click on View -> User Define Dialog from the top menu.

Once you see the dialog, click Import and select your file.

More info can be found here.


Feel free to visit the issues section to give feedback, suggestions or raise problems!


Many thanks to Notepad++ and Sublime to create such awesome tools.

Don't forget to donate so they can keep making these utilities better and better!

Also, thanks so much to the Metrics Marketing team that supported this idea.
