
Clone wiki

lpcmod_OS / Disclaimer

Xblast is a closed source hardware open source software project for the original Xbox console, The information provided by Xblast (download areas, files, source code, product information, documentation, wiki etc. all collectively called "services") These services, its members, and websites provide are for the purpose of providing support to the community. The services are provided “as is”, "with all faults", and "as available" basis, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. Your use of these services is at your own risk. xblast disclaims all warranties. Xblast disclaims liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, exemplary, punitive or other damages, or lost profits, that may result directly or indirectly from the use of these services and any material that is downloaded or obtained through the use of these services. This includes, without limitation, any damage to computer systems, hardware or software, loss of data, or any other performance failures, any errors, bugs, viruses or other defects that result from, or are associated with the use of these services. None of the contributors, sponsors, administrators, or anyone else connected with Xblast in any way whatsoever can be responsible for the appearance of any inaccurate or libelous information or for your use of the information contained in or linked from these services.

Xblast reserve the right to to remove and add services as they see fit without warning.

No contract, limited license

Please make sure that you understand that these services is being provided freely, and that no kind of agreement or contract is implied between the owners or users of these services, the owners of the servers upon which it is housed, the individual contributors to these services, any project administrators, sysops or anyone else who is in any way connected with the project subject to your claims against them directly. You are being granted a limited license to copy or install anything from this site; it does not create or imply any contractual or extracontractual liability on any of it's agents, members, organizers or other users. Neither is anyone responsible should someone change, edit, modify or remove any information contained with in these services.


Any of the trademarks, service marks, collective marks, design rights or similar rights that are mentioned, used or cited in the services provided for xblast are the property of their respective owners. Their use in any "service" does not imply that you may use them for any other purpose other than for the same or a similar use as contemplated by the original authors concent. the Xblast team will make due effort to outline the services that are provided by other's and give them credit where aplicable.

Information and Content

Publication of information found in any of the services provided for Xblast may be in violation of the laws of the country or jurisdiction from where you are viewing this information. The servers providing these services are located in different locations of the world and is maintained in reference to the protections afforded under local and federal law in respect to their location. Laws in your country or jurisdiction may not protect or allow the same kinds of speech or distribution. the Xblast team does not encourage the violation of any laws; and cannot be responsible for any violations of such laws, should you link to the domain of the websites of these services or use, reproduce, or republish the information contained therein.

Final Remarks

Enjoy Xblast and the other services provided by us and thanks for taking time to read this and check out this project!
