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lpcmod_OS / sandbox

For 1.0/1.1 installation, please see section1

For 1.2 to 1.4 installation, please see section2

For 1.5 installation, please see section3

For 1.6/1.6b installation, please see section-4


The rest of the installation procedure requires soldering wires to solder points on the bottom side of the motherboard. There are up to 3 points to solder to; only 1 is mandatory: D0 point. Here are the locations of the 3 points you can solder on the bottom side of the motherboard. They are located near the LPC port, toward the center of the motherboard.

The D0 point is mandatory and must be soldered and connected to the XBlast Lite's D0 labeled solder pad in order to enable it.

The A15 point is optional and should be soldered and connected to the XBlast Lite's A15 labeled solder pad. Its purpose is to enable TSOP recovery feature of the XBlast Lite. The TSOP recovery is explained in detail in the Extra features section of this manual.

The A19 point is optional and should be soldered and connected to the XBlast Lite's A19 labeled solder pad. Its purpose is to enable splitting of the 1.0/1.1 1MB TSOP in half and control it via software. The TSOP splitting feature is explained in detail in the Extra features section of this manual.

To ease soldering wires to these points, you should pre tin the via(s) on the motherboards as well as the stripped end of the wire(s) with just a little bit of solder. Take care in removing just enough insulation of your wire, 1mm should be enough. Once done, just solder the wire onto the via by placing the wire�s end on top of the via and heating the tinned via and wire at the same time.

TIP: If you plan on flashing your on board TSOP, you should solder the write-enable points of the TSOP. More info in the Extra features section of this manual.

For the rest of the installation. Please go to


The rest of the installation procedure requires to solder wires to solder points on the bottom side of the motherboard. There are up to 2 points to solder to; only 1 is mandatory: D0 point. Here are the locations of the 2 points you can solder on the bottom side of the motherboard. They are located near the LPC port, toward the center of the motherboard.

D0 point is mandatory and must be soldered and connected to the XBlast Lite's D0 labeled solder pad in order to enable it.

A15 point is optional and should be soldered and connected to the XBlast Lite's A15 labeled solder pad. Its purpose is to enable TSOP recovery feature of the XBlast Lite. TSOP recovery is explained in detail in the Extra features section of this manual.

To ease soldering wires to these points, you should pre tin the via(s) on the motherboards as well as the stripped end of the wire(s) with just a little bit of solder. Take care in removing just enough insulation of your wire, 1mm should be enough. Once done, just solder the wire onto the via by placing the wire�s end on top of the via and heating the tinned via and wire at the same time.

TIP: If you plan on flashing your on board TSOP, you should solder the write-enable points of the TSOP. More info in the Extra features section of this manual.

For the rest of the installation. Please go to


1.5 Xbox motherboards requires you to "fix" the LPC port. In fact, the LPC port of 1.5 motherboards lack the necessary ground and +3.3V signals applied to the appropriate pin. In order to restore these 2 points on the LPC port, please check the picture below.

The rest of the installation procedure is the same as 1.2-1.4 installation procedure.

Please go to


1.6/1.6b Xbox have a severely crippled LPC port. There are numerous signals missing. In order to properly install the XBlast Lite modchip, you must "rebuild" your LPC port. Please check the diagram below to identify the connections between the solder points on the motherboard and LPC port holes.

Tip: Rebuild the LPC port after installing the pin header. Also pre-tin the solder points for ease of soldering.

The rest of the installation procedure requires soldering a wire to a solder point on the bottom side of the motherboard. There is only 1 point to solder on 1.6/1.6b: LFRAME. The location of LFRAME signal on the motherboard is identified in the picture above.

LFRAME point is mandatory and must be soldered and connected to the XBlast Lite's L1 labeled solder pad in order to enable it.

For ease of soldering wires to these points, you should pre tin the via(s) on the motherboards as well as the stripped end of the wire(s) with just a little bit of solder. Take care in removing just enough insulation of your wire, 1mm should be enough. Once done, just solder the wire onto the via by placing the wire�s end on top of the via and heating the tinned via and wire at the same time.

For the rest of the installation. Please g

2.7 Installation finalization

Once all the wires are firmly soldered to the vias, pass them through the unused LPC port holes, (if the wires aren't too big), or bring them to the top side by running them to the motherboard's side edge. Make sure all the wires are long enough to reach their designated solder pad on the XBlast Lite. Also make sure no wire runs across a screw hole. For optimal performance, adjust length of the wires so it will reach the XBlast solder pads with little slack. Too long a wires could produce unexpected behavior and/or boot failure!

Insert the modchip onto the male pin header on the LPC port. When inserting the XBlast Lite, make sure the larger part of the XBlast Lite is toward the Xbox motherboard side edge(using the LPC port as a reference point). Check that the modchip is properly aligned with the male pin header on the LPC port. Solder all the wires to the appropriate solder pads on the XBlast lite.

Put the motherboard back into the Xbox case and connect all the necessary cables.

Tip: Before completely reassembling the console, you should do a power ON test to see if the xbox boots with XBlast installed .

Reassemble your Xbox.

See the XBlast OS manual for more information on usage.
