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lpcmod_OS / xblast_os_manual / navigation

2 Navigation

XBlast OS is navigable exclusively using a Xbox controller. Most third-party controllers are supported but it is possible some will not be detected. It is recommended to use genuine Microsoft Xbox controllers.

Navigation through the menus is done with the directional pad. "A" and "Start" buttons are used to accept or select an item. "B" and "Back" buttons are used to cancel or go back in the menus.

2.1 IconMenu

The main menu, called IconMenu, shows possible BIOS banks to boot as well as the icon to access the Settings Menu. You navigate it using the left and right arrows on the directional pad and confirming your selection using "A" or "Start" buttons. The icon that is not semi-transparent is the currently selected one.

pic of iconMenu

2.2 TextMenu

The Settings menu, called TextMenu, shows all the configuration and tool options available in XBlast OS. You navigate it using the up and down arrows on the directional pad and confirming your selection using "A" or "Start" buttons. Going back in the menu hierarchy is done using "B" or "Back" buttons. Selected menu or setting entry will be highlighted in yellow.

pic of textMenu root

2.2.1 On screen keyboard

There are some settings in XBlast OS that requires manual text and/or numeric string entry. Upon entering the sub menu, you will be presented with the appropriate on screen keyboard. Please take note of the available options mapped to the "A","B","X" and "Y" buttons of your controller at the top of the screen. Most of the time, "Start" will confirm new text entry, "Back" button will cancel new text entry, "A" adds highlighted character to edit string and "B" deletes last character from edit string. Other buttons might be used for specific features.

pic of on screen keyboard with red rectangle circling the text at the top of the screen

2.2.3 Warning dialog

XBlast OS lets you change settings potentially harmful to your Xbox if they are not used properly. Before modifying or accessing these settings, a warning dialog screen will be shown.

[pic of warning dialog] pic of warning dialog

Using the Xbox controller, pressing and holding both triggers, "Start" and "White" buttons will positively confirm your intentions while pressing the "Back" button alone cancel everything and returns your to the previous menu entry, leaving your Xbox unchanged. These warning dialogs are in place to protect less technical users from accidentally changing settings that could potentially break their Xbox console. If you have any doubt on a feature/setting functionality, please consult the description of the entry in the manual or seek help on the Internet.
