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lpcmod_OS / xblast_os_manual / startingxblastos

#3 Starting XBlast OS

By default, XBlast OS will always boot when you power ON your Xbox. You can change this behaviour in XBlast Settings later on.

Boot process is in the following order: 1. If found, persistent settings are loaded and applied. If no persistent setting is present on your XBlast Modchip, the LED of the front panel will flash Red and Orange, indicating it's running on default settings.

  1. Fan speed is set if persisted setting was found. Default value is 20%.

  2. If necessary, character LCD is initialized.

  3. If configured, boot script is executed

  4. If configured, QuickBoot bank or Eject Button bank is booted at that moment. Note: Even if you configured your XBlast Modchip to boot to a BIOS bank by default, it still boots to XBlast OS for a short period of time, and boot straight to the desired bank. You just don't see XBlast OS on your TV.

  5. If proper files are detected on hard drive, XBlast OS will load an icon set and backdrop image to replace the included basic UI look. More info in the appendices.

  6. If you boot your Xbox with an unformatted hard drive, in either Master or Slave position, a Warning Dialog will show up to ask if you would like to format your new Hard drive.

pic of HDD format warning dialog

   Note: XBlast OS support formatting drives up to 2TB in size. However, only most standard partitioning configurations are shown. For custom partitioning, please use the appropriate tool : [XBPartitionner](
  1. Main menu (IconMenu) is shown and user can now use XBlast OS.
