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lpcmod_OS / xblast_os_manual / systemsettings

5.2 System settings

The System settings menu contains settings entries related to your Xbox.

pic of System settings TextMenu

  1. LED
  2. Fan speed
  3. Video settings
  4. Network settings
  5. DVD region
  6. Game region

5.2.1 LED

Let the user choose the color of the LED on the front panel. Available options are: "Green", "Red", "Orange", "Cycling" and "Off". "Cycling" will cycle LED colours between "Green", "Red", "Orange" and "Off" in a continuous loop.

Note: Some hacked BIOS force LED color setting when they boot. It is possible that this setting can be overridden when booting a BIOS bank.

5.2.2 Fan speed

Set the Xbox fan speed. For security reasons, speed cannot be set under 10%.

Note: Some hacked BIOS force a fan speed setting when they boot. It is possible that this setting can be overridden when booting a BIOS bank.

5.2.3 Video settings

Opens a sub menu to modify video configuration of your Xbox.

pic of video settings sub menu

  1. TV Standard
  2. Video format
  3. Enable 480p
  4. Enable 720p
  5. Enable 1080i TV Standard

Change the video region of your Xbox console. Available options are "NTSC-U", "NTSC-J" and "PAL". Video format

Change the display format of the video output of your Xbox. Available options are "Fullscreen", "Widescreen" and Letterbox". Enable 480p?

Setting this entry to "Yes" will enable the Xbox to output video in 480p if the proper video output cable is used.

Note: This does not force 480p output but just permits usage. Software/game executed must be programmed to toggle this mode. Enable 720p?

Setting this entry to "Yes" will enable the Xbox to output video in 720p if the proper video output cable is used.

Note: This does not force 720p output but just permits usage. Software/game executed must be programmed to toggle this mode. Enable 1080i?

Setting this entry to "Yes" will enable the Xbox to output video in 1080i if the proper video output cable is used.

Note: This does not force 1080i output but just permits usage. Software/game executed must be programmed to toggle this mode.

5.2.4 Network settings

Opens a sub menu to modify network configuration of XBlast OS. This does not change network settings contained in the EEPROM.

pic of network settings sub menu

  1. Use DHCP
  2. Static IP
  3. Static Mask
  4. Static Gateway
  5. Static DNS1
  6. Static DNS2 Use DHCP

Setting this entry to "Yes" will make the Xbox negociate network parameters with a DHCP server (usually your network router) when initiating a network link.

Note: If DHCP fails, XBlast OS will resort to using the network settings of the entries listed below. Static IP

Let the user set the IP address of the Xbox. Static Mask

Let the user set the network subnet mask. Static Gateway

Let the user set the ip address of the network's gateway. Static DNS1

Let the user set the IP address of the preferred DNS server. Static DNS2

Let the user set the IP address of the second preferred DNS server.

5.2.5 DVD region

Changes the coded region from which your Xbox will accept DVD-video.

Note: Most users should set this to "Region Clear" to bypass any region check.

5.2.6 Game region

Changes the coded region from which your Xbox will accept Xbox games. Choices are "NTSC-U", NTSC-J" and "PAL".

Note: Most hacked BIOS are region free patched and do not require you to change this option.
