
Piotr Szrajber Fetch chunks of features from WFS

Created by Piotr Szrajber

File snippet.txt Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+const url = (min, max, count) => {
+    let filter = encodeURIComponent(`<fes:Filter xmlns:fes=""><fes:PropertyIsBetween><vrp2:Literal xmlns="" xmlns:vrp2="">ID1</vrp2:Literal><fes:LowerBoundary><fes:Literal>${min}</fes:Literal></fes:LowerBoundary><fes:UpperBoundary><fes:Literal>${max}</fes:Literal></fes:UpperBoundary></fes:PropertyIsBetween></fes:Filter>`);
+    return `${filter}&count=${count}`
+let start = 100000,
+    step = 5;
+let requests = [ Array(10)].map((d, i) => Number(i)).map(d => new Promise((resolve, reject) => fetch(url(start + d * step, start + (d + 1) * step, step)).then(d => d.json()).then(d => resolve(d.features))));
+Promise.all(requests).then(function(values) {
+    console.log([].concat.apply([], values));

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