
Piotr Szrajber Smart M.App - disable white stroke in the choropleth

Created by Piotr Szrajber

File customizations.js Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+* Smart M.App - remove white stroke from the choropleth style
+* 2018-10-08 Piotr Szrajber <>
+// waits until choropleth widget is ready
+function waitForChoropleths(callback) {
+        descriptors: [{
+            chartM: {
+                chart: "choropleth"
+            }
+        }]
+    }, function(widgets) {
+        if (!widgets || !widgets[0]) {
+            TIMEOUT = setTimeout(function() {
+                waitForChoropleths(callback);
+            }, 500);
+        } else {
+            clearTimeout(TIMEOUT);
+            callback(widgets);
+        }
+    });
+// modify style of the geometries
+function overwriteStyle(widget) {
+    /*
+    {
+        "stroke": true,
+        "color": "#ffffff",
+        "weight": 2,
+        "opacity": 0.9,
+        "fill": true,
+        "fillColor": "#cccccc",
+        "fillOpacity": 0.9,
+        "fillRule": "evenodd",
+        "dashArray": null,
+        "lineCap": "round",
+        "lineJoin": "round",
+        "clickable": true,
+        "pointerEvents": "auto",
+        "className": "",
+        "radius": 10,
+        "strokeColor": "#ffffff",
+        "strokeOpacity": 0.9,
+        "strokeWidth": 2,
+        "strokeLineCap": "round",
+        "strokeLineJoin": "round"
+    }
+    */
+    let painter = widget.chart.painter(),
+        defaultStyle = painter.defaultStyle(),
+        paintStyle = painter.paintStyle(),
+        clearStyle = painter.clearStyle();
+    defaultStyle.stroke = false;
+    defaultStyle.weight = 0;
+    painter.defaultStyle(defaultStyle);
+    clearStyle.stroke = false;
+    clearStyle.weight = 0;
+    painter.clearStyle(clearStyle);
+    painter.paintStyle((feature) => {
+        let style =, feature);
+        style.stroke = false;
+        style.weight = 0;
+        return style;
+    });
+function repaint(widget) {
+    let painter = widget.chart.painter();
+    painter.unmount();
+    painter.mount();
+    painter.paint();
+waitForChoropleths((widgets) => {
+    overwriteStyle(widgets[0]);
+    repaint(widgets[0]);

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