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Pure on Ubuntu
The following PPAs hosted on Launchpad provide a fairly complete collection of Pure packages for Ubuntu, as well as all required dependencies not readily available in the standard Ubuntu repositories. We generally keep packages for different Ubuntu versions in different PPAs, as Launchpad eases the maintenance of that kind of setup. At present, we maintain packages for the last two LTSes, Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) and 14.04 (Trusty), as well as the latest non-LTS version (at the time of this writing, Yakkety a.k.a. Ubuntu 16.10):
Packages for some older Ubuntu versions can also be found on the Launchpad page, but these aren't maintained any longer and will be outdated.
Please follow the links above for detailed instructions. In brief, use the following commands to add the PPA to your system (shown examples are for Xenial, if you're using a different Ubuntu version then you need to change the suffix of the PPA name accordingly):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dr-graef/pure.xenial sudo apt-get update
Enter your admin password when prompted. Then run the apt-get install
command to install the packages that you want/need, e.g.:
sudo apt-get install pure pure-docs
This will also pull in all required dependencies. To remove these packages again:
sudo apt-get remove pure pure-docs
Some meta packages are provided so that you can quickly install certain categories of packages as needed, please check the Launchpad page for details. For a complete installation, including all the available add-on modules, you can simply install the pure-complete package and be done with it:
sudo apt-get install pure-complete
Of course, instead of apt-get you can also use a graphical package manager such as synaptic.