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qocsuing / You can buy Viagra over the counter from today

You can buy Viagra over the counter from today

After the sex drug was reclassified last year by health officials, people will be able to buy the drug for just under £5 a pill, its manufacturer has announced.To get more news about 威而鋼哪裡買, you can visit our official website.

It was hoped that making the erectile dysfunction drug more widely available will mean that men who may have not previously sought help will be more likely to do so. In November, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) announced that it is reclassifying Viagra Connect tablets so they can be sold over the counter in pharmacies.Now Viagra Connect manufacturer Pfizer is making the drug available for £19.99 for a four-tablet pack or £34.99 for an eight-tablet pack, including VAT.

It will be available exclusively in Boots for two weeks before being rolled to other pharmacies.

Pfizer said that Viagra Connect is the first pharmacy medicine for erectile dysfunction to be made available without prescription.Pfizer's medical manager Kristie Sourial said: "The launch of Viagra Connect offers men a new and convenient route of access to treat the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

It's important to remember that erectile dysfunction is a medical condition, and that the impact often goes beyond the physical symptoms - it can lead to men feeling anxious, depressed and lacking in confidence.

"Our hope is that the availability of Viagra Connect in pharmacies will encourage men who do nothing about their erectile dysfunction to seek help, and encourage those who are inclined to seek help to do so sooner."

Men can purchase the drug in pharmacies and online after answering a series of questions to help determine if the product is suitable for them.
