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GridERP / Home

Welcome to the GridERP Project!

Some Notes:

  • At the moment, all the collections are owned by me so please login with: p/w: golfer123

  • db-update.txt - contains all the Mongo commands to update the collection owner (if you decide to create a user)

(Currently) What is GridERP?

Just so I don't mislead people, GridERP is currently a template of an ERP system written for Meteor. Much like the Metronic and Inspinia themes it just represents an application written in html/js/css (front-end and some back-end). It's design is influenced by the excellent ERPNext system.

I'm certainly moving towards building a fully functional ERP system complete with a back-end, business logic and all the fields properly wired to Mongo. That's the next phase. I built this ERP template so people could show the boss or potential customers what could be done with Meteor. I want to start increasing the use of Meteor in business.
