History Not Updating (run history task to startup)

Issue #47 resolved
Former user created an issue

I'm running 9.5-6 on my Synology and it displays currently playing perfectly for all users. However, the history page doesn't seem to update at all. Logs enabled on Plex (with Plex Pass), but still nothing.

Comments (13)

  1. Michael Shepanski

    I'm seeing the same results running from the repo in a virtualenv.

    python manage.py runserver
  2. Raphael Mutschler repo owner

    I've just tested it with a clean install and everything works as it should... History view is only updated every x Minutes (2 by default) check SCAN_INTERVALL in the config file

  3. Michael Shepanski

    I'll mess with it more tonight. I was playing a movie for 10 minutes last night before I came to the conclusion that it was not working.

  4. Raphael Mutschler repo owner

    also try enable DEBUG option in config.ini and watch for the console output if it shows anything :)

  5. Raphael Mutschler repo owner

    just realized: keep in mind that on it's current version plexivity starts adding stuff only AFTER the first view of any webpage (will fix that in future version)

  6. Michael Shepanski

    This is working for me now. I started Plexivity, loaded the webpage, then started a new show from scratch. It picked up both the show I started plus the half-finished show my brother was watching.

  7. brian kim

    I'm having the same issue on OS X (10.10.4). PMS Latest dev commit of Plexivity (7f8cd53f754d) Everything is running on the same machine. I have Plex Pass.

    I can see what I'm currently watching on the Plexivity home page. However, nothing ends up in the history. Everything was working fine until about a month ago. I'm not sure what changed to make it stop working.

    I see this in the logs:

    12.08.2015 02:46:06 plexivity.plex   DEBUG   : PLEX => requested url: status/sessions
    12.08.2015 02:46:06 plexivity.plex   DEBUG   : PLEX => requests args: {}
    12.08.2015 02:46:06 plexivity.notify     INFO    : getting recently started entrys from database

    If I load http://localhost:32400/status/sessions in a browser, I get the XML describing the show I am watching.

    I've tried reverting to older versions of Plexivity to no avail. I just did a complete reinstall of Plexivity and it still doesn't work. Oddly, everything on the Plexivity home page works fine (library counts, currently playing, recently added).

  8. Raphael Mutschler repo owner

    strange... In gerneral. Plexivity only works AFTER the homepage was opened for the first time, this is still a little bug i didn't got fixed till now but thats on my todo list...

    so basically you need to start plexivity, open its home page and then wait for (default 2 minutes) for something to show up. The start page is handled differently: it's generated on every page load with data queried from the server itself... history etc will be progressed only all x minutes (config setting)

    EDIT: i've changed the title and gave it a higher prio... gonna be the next thing I'm gonna look into (running the tasks on startup without a need to open the website first)

  9. brian kim

    I've had Plexivity running for months (applying updates as they were released). It doesn't add any items to the history anymore. It doesn't even happen after the scan interval has passed. The last item in my history was added July 11 and I've watched many shows since then. It started adding history entries unreliably, then not at all.

  10. brian kim

    I also forgot to mention: notifications do not work, either. I'm assuming they're using the same mechanism as the history screen to determine what is being viewed. I can see Plexivity polling PMS every SCAN_INTERVAL after I initially load the home page, but it doesn't appear to pick anything up.

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