
Realhub Systems Using the Realhub Quote API

Created by Accounts Realhub last modified

Quote API


Realhub API Reference


Quote has many Quote Setions

Quote Section belongs to Quote Quote Section has many Quote Items

Quote Item belongs to Quote Quote Item belongs to Quote Section


  • Create Quote
  • Create Quote Item
  • Get Agency Providers
  • Get Provider Price List
  • Create Quote Item (Package)
  • Get Provider Package
  • Create Quote Item (Custom)
  • Create Quote Item (Bundle)
  • Get Order Bundle
  • Create Quote Item (Publication)

Create Quote

To create a quote, you will need the campaign that you want to add it to.

For example we will use campaign_id : 227


curl -X POST "api/v2/campaign_quotes.json" \
  -H "x-api-token: API_KEY" \
  -d 'campaign_id=227'

It will create a campaign quote with default values, and a default quote section:


  "title": "Quote #{quote_id}",
  "total": 0,
  "recipient_address": "#{campaign_address}",
  "recipient_name": "#{first_contact_name}",
  "recipient_email": "#{first_contact_email}",
  "recipient_phone": "#{first_contact_phone}",
  "sections": [
      "id": "#{campaign_section_id}",
      "campaign_quote_id": "#{quote_id},
      "title": "Marketing",

Get Agency Providers

Before we can create a quote item, we need to get the available services for the agency's the providers. You can use the include params to get the provider details.

Parameter Default Required Description
include_agency_provider_provider false No Provider detail information


service in the JSON object will list all the products that belong to this service. If you need to filter by product, the filter value is service_product_id.


curl -X GET \
  '/api/v2/agency_providers.json?include_agency_provider_provider=true' \
  -H "x-api-token: API_KEY" \


        "id": 204,
        "agency_id": 1,
        "provider_id": 1,
        "service_id": 6,
        "identity_code": "",
        "provider_price_list_id": 12,
        "provider": {
            "id": 1,
            "accounts_email": "",
            "accounts_phone": "02 9980 0085",
            "active": true,
            "address_line_1": "52/49-51 Mitchell Road",
            "address_line_2": "",
            "address_postcode": "2100",
            "address_region": "Brookvale",
            "address_state": "NSW",
            "business_number": "80 119 533 807",
            "email": "",
            "order_api": "vfx",
            "phone": "02 0000 0700",
            "shipping_address": "SprintMedia Signs\n52/49-51 Mitchell Road\nBrookvale NSW 2100",
            "short_name": "SprintSigns",
            "title": "SprintMedia Signs",
            "website": "",
        "service": {
            "id": 6,
            "title": "Print",
            "short_name": "print",
            "options": null,
            "products": [
                    "id": 17,
                    "options": null,
                    "orderable": true,
                    "reference_title": null,
                    "service_id": 6,
                    "title": "A4 Brochures"

Get Provider Price List

Once we have a list of providers we can use the provider price list id from the response to get the price list items, products and options.


items: price_list_items

items->options: provider_price_list_item_options

items->options->values: provider_price_list_item_option_value

  1. User selects the service
  2. User selects the product from service, and filters items by using service_product_id
  3. User selects an item or quantity

    1. Each item has many options
    2. Each option has many values
  4. User selects a value for each option


curl -X GET \
  http://localhost:3000/api/v2/provider_price_lists/12.json \
  -H "x-api-token: API_KEY" \


    "id": 12,
    "default": true,
    "provider_id": 1,
    "service_id": 6,
    "soft_match_codes": false,
    "title": "Print Services 2016",
    "active_product_ids": [17,18,19,20,23,24,33],
     "items": [
            "id": 122,
            "provider_price_list_id": 12,
            "service_product_id": 17,
            "quantity": 50,
            "price": 65,
            "hidden": false,
            "options": [
                    "id": 95,
                    "provider_price_list_item_id": 122,
                    "title": "Finish",
                    "values": [
                            "id": 130,
                            "provider_price_list_item_option_id": 95,
                            "title": "Satin",
                            "price": 0
                            "id": 131,
                            "provider_price_list_item_option_id": 95,
                            "title": "Gloss Laminated DS",
                            "price": 45
                    "id": 96,
                    "provider_price_list_item_id": 122,
                    "title": "Paper Weight",
                    "values": [
                            "id": 135,
                            "provider_price_list_item_option_id": 96,
                            "title": "200GSM",
                            "price": 0
                            "id": 136,
                            "provider_price_list_item_option_id": 96,
                            "title": "250GSM",
                            "price": 5

Get Agency Price

Before we create a quote item, we need the price for the selected product and option combination.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Required Description
provider_price_list_item_id null Yes The items/quantities of the price list.
campaign_id null Yes The price base for the campaign.
item_options null No An array from price list options and option values. Please follow the format below.


        "id": provider_price_list_option_id,
        "title": provider_price_list_option_title,
        "value": {
            "id": option_value_id,
            "title": option_value_title,
            "price": option_value_price,

Example One

Retrieve agency price for price list item without any options


curl -X GET "http://localhost:3000/api/v2/provider_price_list_items/122/agency_price.json?campaign_id=227" \
  -H "x-auth-token: API_KEY"


    "price": 65,

Example Two

Retrieve agency price for price list item with one option


curl -X GET "api/v2/provider_price_list_items/122/agency_price.json?item_options=[{%22id%22:95,%22title%22:%22Finish%22,%22value%22:{%22id%22:130,%22title%22:%22Satin%22,%22price%22:0}}]&campaign_id=227" \
  -H "x-auth-token: API_KEY"

item_options example

    "id": 95,
    "title": "Finish",
    "value": {
      "id": 130,
      "title": "Satin",
      "price": 0,


    "price": 65,

Example Three

Retrieve agency price for price list item with two options


curl -X GET  "http://localhost:3000/api/v2/provider_price_list_items/122/agency_price.json?item_options=[{%22id%22:%2095,%20%22title%22:%20%22Finish%22,%22value%22:%20{%20%22id%22:%20130,%22title%22:%22Satin%22,%22price%22:%200}},{%22id%22:%2096,%22title%22:%20%22Paper%20Weight%22,%22value%22:%20{%22id%22:%20136,%22title%22:%20%22250GSM%22,%22price%22:%205}}]&campaign_id=227" \
  -H "x-auth-token: API_KEY"

item_options example

    "id": 95,
    "title": "Finish",
    "value": {
      "id": 130,
      "title": "Satin",
      "price": 0,
    "id": 96,
    "title": "Paper Weight",
    "value": {
      "id": 136,
      "title": "250GSM",
      "price": 5,


    "price": 70,

Create Quote Item

To create a quote item, you need to GET agency provider to get all the services. Secondly, using provider_price_list_id to GET provider price lists and options. Then GET agency price base on user selected product and options. Finally POST create quote item to create a quote item.

If we want to create a quote item to Campaign Quote #201 and Section #166 with below data:

Service: Print (id: 6)

Service Product: A4 Brochures (service_product_id: 17)

Price List item: - id: 122 - quantity: 50 - price: 65

Option One:

  • title: Finish (id: 95)
  • value:
  • title: Satin (id: 130)
  • price: 0

Option Two:

  • title: Paper Weight (id: 96)
  • value:
    • title: 250GSM (id: 136)
    • price: 5


curl -X POST  "http://localhost:3000/api/v2/campaign_quotes/201/sections/166/items.json" \
  -H "x-auth-token: API_KEY" \
  -F 'title=Test Title' \
  -F item_type=orderable \
  -F order_type=item \
  -F price_list_item_id=122 \
  -F 'options=[{"id":95,"title":"Finish","value":{"id":130,"title":"Satin","price":0}},{"id":96,"title":"Paper Weight","value":{"id":136,"title":"250GSM","price":5}}]'


    "id": 770,
    "campaign_quote_id": 201,
    "campaign_quote_section_id": 166,
    "compulsory": false,
    "data": {},
    "description": null,
    "display_options": null,
    "display_title": "50 x A4 Brochures/Satin/250GSM",
    "item_type": "orderable",
    "locked": false,
    "options": [
            "id": 95,
            "title": "Finish",
            "value": {
                "id": 130,
                "title": "Satin",
                "price": 0
            "id": 96,
            "title": "Paper Weight",
            "value": {
                "id": 136,
                "title": "250GSM",
                "price": 5
    "options_string": "/Satin/250GSM",
    "order_bundle_id": null,
    "package_id": null,
    "price": 70,
    "price_override": 77,
    "price_type": "fixed",
    "processing_fee": 7,
    "provider_id": 1,
    "provider_price_list_item_id": 122,
    "publication_edition_id": null,
    "publication_id": null,
    "publication_package_id": null,
    "quantity": 50,
    "row_title": null,
    "selected": true,
    "service_id": 6,
    "service_product_id": 17,
    "sort": null,
    "title": "A4 Brochures",
    "user_id": 10,
    "dates": {
        "required": {
            "date": ""

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