Vertical Cross-Slope Adjustment of Line Objects

Issue #119 resolved
Benjamin Blasen created an issue

It appears that the fix for issue #117 has caused other line objects to be placed incorrectly. We have piles and piers which are line objects and are being placed either side of centerline, but we do not want these objects to be affected by the deck profile.

For example, in the picture below the piles should all be at the same elevation, they have AlignH="Orient", AlignV="None", and AlignT="None", but only the pile at centerline is at the correct elevation.


Comments (2)

  1. Ali Koc

    Yes, I can see the issue. For lines, cross-slope adjustment is now applied to end point instead of moving out as a whole like a volume. Can you change the object type of these piles to volume. You should be able to define a volume just like a line -- two end points and a surface to extrude along. I think all you need to do is to change T="Line" to T="Volume". This should get you the behavior you want. Let me know how it goes.

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