Error: Call to a member function getTwoLetterIsoCode() on null

Issue #15 resolved
Norman created an issue


Version 13.0.0 throws an error when rendering the ViewHelper on a plain page with the plugin content element or a detail view of news:

(1/1) Error

Call to a member function getTwoLetterIsoCode() on null
in … \typo3conf\ext\rx_shariff\Classes\ViewHelper\ShariffViewHelper.php line 62

TYPO3 9.5.13

news 7.3.1

eventnews 4.0.0

rx_shariff 13.0.0



Comments (4)

  1. Markus Klein

    Interesting. Seems like your configuration (for some reason) does not include the current site language.
    Will try to reproduce.

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