Configuring language from TypoScript doesn't work

Issue #4 resolved
Loek Hilgersom created an issue


Setting the language using this Typoscript setting doesn't work: = en

The reason for this is that this setting gets resetted in the ShariffController.php:


I'm not sure why this happens (looks like emptying it for allowing automatic language detection, but then the question is why the TS setting exists).

Comments (4)

  1. Markus Klein

    Indeed an interesting finding. Will take a look. Not sure whether TS and docs need an update, or if the unset() can go away (which I actually doubt).

  2. Markus Klein

    @lhilgersom It took me a while now to realize that the unset was needed to be backwards compatible with existing plugins, which may still have the lang set in the flexforms.

    I pushed a commit now which should allow settings the language again via TS and plugin.

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