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Bayesian Estimation of Microstructural Diffusion Parameters based on Single and Multiple MRI Diffusion Encodings.



This repository includes MATLAB code based on this paper for the estimation of the parameters of the three-compartment white matter standard model. The code is extended to work also with Multiple Diffusion Encodings (currently only planar double diffusion encoding). For convenience the repository includes example diffusion data: two SDE datasets and one MDE dataset.

It is advisable to have at least b>=2000 measurements to let the estimation work properly. In general, a protocol that is suited for kurtosis estimation should also work for microstructure estimation.

The repository includes a simple data viewer to browse results of the estimation and visualize the data. Data can be either loaded from a nifti (bvecs and bvals in FSL style) or manually arranged in a matlab structure containing a field dwi, which is a 4D volume of size [w h d N] where N is the number of diffusion weightings and a field tensor containing the b-Tensor (units s/mm^2). For example


dataSDE = 

       dwi: [4-D int16]
    tensor: [3x3x131 double]

Feel free to check out the code or download the ZIP file containing the most current version. Note that for some functions Jimmy Shen nifti toolbox for matlab is necessary (

Example Code

Here's are examples how to use the code:


%% single diffusion encoding (SDE)
% this is a simple clinical scan with 2 shells at b = 1000 and b = 2000
% resolution 1.5mm isotropic

% load the data
x = load('data_examples/single_diffenc');
dataSDE = x.dataSDE;

%% perform estimation without visuliuation
% when baydiff is called for the first time with a specific DWI-scheme 
% it automatically performs the training step (model is saved in /tmp/baydif (linux) ot C:/Temp/baydif (windows) )

[vols model] = baydiff(dataSDE);

% vols is a 4D array and contains the estimated maps, in 
% model.parameter_names the corresponding names are given

%% showing the maps and browsing the signal
% you can directly call browse_micro which also performs estimation 
% and opens immediately a viewer to browse the results.


% click into the image to show parameters of the voxel.
% use the slider to browse through slices.
% use the popup-menu to the lower left to change contrast
% top/right shows parameters, 
% left to this the spherical average of the log(signal) and the log of the spherical avgerage is shown
% middle/right signal (dots) and prediction (solid lines) are shown (different colors indicate different b-values)
% bottom/right histograms of parameters are shown (diffusivities and volume fractions

%% customize parameters
% via 
% > help baydiff
% you see all the parameters available. The parameters are passed via
% parameter/value pairs. For example, increase the SH order to 4 by 
% > browse_micro(d,d.dwi(:,:,:,1)>150,'noise',20,'lmax',4,'force_retraining',true)
% Note that you have to add the 'force_retraining'-option, because there is
% already a trained model for this scheme

%% multi diffusion encoding
% this is data acquired with ordinary SDE and planar MDE encodings (DDE)
% both SDE/DDE are acquired for 6 shells (b=500,1000,1500,2000,2600,3100)
% Data was preprocessed by MPdenoising (Veraat et al) followed by
% deGibbsing (Kellner et al, MRM 2016)

% load the data
x = load('data_examples/multi_diffenc');
dataMDE = x.dataMDE;

%% if your computer is slow/small RAM  do NOT try this
browse_micro(dataMDE,dataMDE.mask, ...
        'force_retraining', true , ...
        'noise',dataMDE.sigma, ...          % noise estimated by MPdenoising
        'traceequality',false, ...          % do not use trace equality constraint for MDE data
        'includeb0',false);                 % do not use b0, if you have enough shells

%% try MDE for a subset of gradients (for small computers)
% only use low high b for estimation

b = squeeze(dataMDE.tensor(1,1,:)+dataMDE.tensor(2,2,:)+dataMDE.tensor(3,3,:));
idx = b<250 | (b>750 & b<1250) | (b>1750 & b<2250);
dataMDE_small = dataMDE;
dataMDE_small.dwi = dataMDE.dwi(:,:,:,idx);
dataMDE_small.tensor = dataMDE.tensor(:,:,idx);
browse_micro(dataMDE_small,dataMDE.mask, ...
        'force_retraining', true , ...
        'noise',dataMDE.sigma, ...          % noise estimated by MPdenoising
        'traceequality',false, ...          % do not use trace equality constraint for MDE data
        'includeb0',true);                 % here we have to use b0, otherwis this is just not enough information

%% fast SDE acquisition
% this is an putative acute stroke protcol (<2min acq time) with an hexagonal 
% q-space b<=2000 at resolution 1x1x5 mm , overall 28 diffusion weightings

% load data from niftis with FSL-style bvecs/bvals
dataStroke = bd_loadData_nii('data_examples/data_hex28.nii.gz',{'data_examples/data_hex28.bval','data_examples/data_hex28.bvec'});

% visualize/browse fitted data
browse_micro(dataStroke,[], ...
                            'qspace','qball', ...      % for non-shell datasets, use qball (radial projections on b^k * e^-b)

%% save estimates to nifti

% estimate
[vols model] = baydiff(dataStroke);

% vols is a 4D array and contains the estimated maps, in 
% model.parameter_names the corresponding names are given

% note that there has to be a nifti present serving as a template
% for saving (in the code below named as dataStroke.nii)

% and now save the stuff

outp = '.';
for k = 1:11,
    tpm = dataStroke.nii;
    tpm.img = single(vols(:,:,:,k));  
    tpm.hdr.dime.datatype = 16;
    tpm.hdr.dime.bitpix = 32;    
    tpm.hdr.dime.dim(5) = 1;
    tpm.hdr.dime.scl_slope = 1;
    tpm.hdr.dime.scl_inter = 0;

    finame = fullfile(outp,[model.parameter_names{k} '.nii'] );

Browse signal

Here a screenshot from the browse_micro function. On the left you can click a certain location and you will see the corresponding parameters/predictions and measurements on the right. Two different dispersion models are used for the comparison of the observation and the prediction: Poisson kernel (solid lines) and CSD (dashed lines).



It is advisable to run prior to analysis a Gibbs artefact correction. Code for unringing is included in the subfolder unring or can be downloaded from here or use mrdegibbs from MRtrix. Prior to unringing a denoising step is also advantagous, take dwidenoise from MRtrix or rely on the MATLAB code from here


[d.dwi d.noise] = MPdenoising(d.dwi,[],[],'full');

d.dwi = single(ringRm(double(d.dwi),[1 3 10]));

% note that you have to compile the unring code
mex -lfftw3 ringRm.cpp

Have fun!
