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SESM-Public / SESM.config


The SESM.config file is the central storage of all SESM global configuration options. Below is a descriptive of each one. Note that as a rule of thumbs, you should always use the GUI if available.

Global Settings

Key Type Accepted Values Default GUI* Restart** Description
DBConnString String Any SQL Connection String Server=.SQLEXPRESS;Database=SESM;User Id=sa;Password=MyPassword;MultipleActiveResultSets=true; The connection infos use to connect to the DataBase
Prefix String Any Alphanumeric characters SESM X A prefix used while creating the servers' services and the servers' folders. Unless for debuggin purpose, it MUST NOT be modified directly in SESM.config. Please use the GUI for that.
SESavePath String Any Valid Path C:\ProgramData\SpaceEngineersDedicated\ X The path to the servers' file storage (saves, mods, ...)
SEDataPath String Any Valid Path C:\SpaceEngineers\ X The path to a folder where SESM will store SE game files. Note that SESM must have complete and exclusive control over this folder so don't point it to an existing folder (like a steam folder). Unless for debuggin purpose, it MUST NOT be modified directly in SESM.config. Please use the GUI for that.
Arch String x86 or x64 x64 The architecture of you server. Note that a x64 server can run both x86 and x64 version of SE while a x86 server can only run x86 SE. Unless for debuggin purpose, it MUST NOT be modified directly in SESM.config. Please use the GUI for that.
Lockdown Boolean true or false false If true, the website will be in lockdown mode : only the superadmins can act on the website, ever other user is contained on the home page. This property is used by the Auto Update when applying an update to guarentee the users won't interfere with the update
Diagnosis Boolean true or false false If true, the diagnosis page (/settings/diagosis) will be available. For security reason, you should set it back to false when you have finished using the diagnosis page.
StatusAutoRefresh Boolean true or false true If true, the status page of each server will auto refresh every 10 seconds
PerfMonitor Boolean true or false false X If true, the performance monitor will run and save statistic about ressource consumption of each server.
SESEDelay Int Any positive integer The number of extra seconds to wait after a SE Server extender instance stop before starting it again
LowPriorityStart Boolean true or false false If true, the started servers will be in "below normal" priority for 3 minutes in order to smooth up the experience on other running server
BlockDll Boolean true or false true if true, any dll files will be removed from mods zip when they are uploaded with the mod manager in order t prevent execution of malicious code, especially in SESE mods

* Available trough the web panel

** Require restart of the SESM website for the new value to be used if modified directly in the config file

Auto-Update Settings

Key Type Accepted Values Default GUI* Restart** Description
AutoUpdate Boolean true or false false X X if true, the auto-update will run at the interval defined in AUInterval and will check if an update is available for Space Engineer.
AUUsername String Any string SteamUsername X The username of the steam account used to connect to the steam network for the auto-update.
AUPassword String Any String X The password of the steam account used to connect to the steam network for the auto-update.It's encoded with the machineKey of the server and MUST be setted with the GUI
AUInterval String Any valid quartz cron 0 0/10 * * * ? X The cron which define the interval at which the auto-update will be called. The cron value shoud no be less than 5 minutes.
AUBetaName String Any string The beta channel of space engineer to download. If empty, the auto-update will use the public release channel.
AUBetaPassword String Any string The password associated with the beta channel (see above)
UseSESE Boolean true or false false If true, the auto-update will try to check for update on the github api url provided in SESEUpdateURL. This propertie is NOT required if you installed SESE manualy
SESEDev Boolean true or false true if true, the SESE auto-update ( if activated, see above) check will also download the pre-release tagged release insteand of only the stable ones.
SESEUpdateURL tring Any valid github release URL The URL used to check for new updates for the SESE Auto-Updates

* Available trough the web panel

** Require restart of the SESM website for the new value to be used if modified directly in the config file

Auto-Backup Settings

Key Type Accepted Values Default GUI* Restart** Description
AutoBackupLvl1 Boolean true or false false X X if true, the lvl1 auto-backup will run at the interval defined in ABIntervalLvl1. All running server which has subscribed to this backup level will be backuped.
ABIntervalLvl1 String Any valid quartz cron 0 0/10 * * * ? X X The cron interval used for the lvl1 auto-backup (by default every 10 minutes).
ABNbToKeepLvl1 Int Any positive integer 12 X X The number of rotating backup to keep for the lvl 1 backups. when the number is reached, the oldest backup will be deleted to make room for a new one.
AutoBackupLvl2 Boolean true or false false X X if true, the lvl1 auto-backup will run at the interval defined in ABIntervalLvl2. All running server which has subscribed to this backup level will be backuped.
ABIntervalLvl2 String Any valid quartz cron 0 0 * * * ? X X The cron interval used for the lvl2 auto-backup (by default every hour).
ABNbToKeepLvl2 Int Any positive integer 48 X X The number of rotating backup to keep for the lvl 2 backups. when the number is reached, the oldest backup will be deleted to make room for a new one.
AutoBackupLvl3 Boolean true or false false X X if true, the lvl1 auto-backup will run at the interval defined in ABIntervalLvl3. All running server which has subscribed to this backup level will be backuped.
ABIntervalLvl3 String Any valid quartz cron 0 0 0 * * ? X X The cron interval used for the lvl3 auto-backup (by default every day at midnight).
ABNbToKeepLvl3 Int Any positive integer 30 X X The number of rotating backup to keep for the lvl 3 backups. when the number is reached, the oldest backup will be deleted to make room for a new one.

* Available trough the web panel

** Require restart of the SESM website for the new value to be used if modified directly in the config file
