Clone wikisr-arena-manager / SR2016
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Student Robotics Arena Manager SR2016 Documentation
Arena components
The arenas consist of the following major components:
- Carpet
- Walls
- Props (game specific)
- Markers (both on walls and props)
- Corner displays
Game Agnostic Set-up Plan
Each year, no matter what the game, the arenas require construction. Currently SR has two arenas at the competition. Each arena is an 8x8m carpeted area surrounded by 300mm high MDF walls. For further details about the design see the rules. The following is a rough plan for arena construction.
Four people are required for arena construction
- Budget cord carpet - 2x 18x4m rolls and 1x 9x4m roll
- NEC approved low-tac double sided-tape - 5x 38mm x 50m rolls
- Insulating tape (for marking out - so the colour is unimportant)
- Arena walls
- XXmmxXXmm wood screws [not sure what size, will take 20mm and 30mm then update this doc afterwards]
- 50x 5-litre HDPE jerrycans
- A water supply
- Double-sided finger-lift tape - 1x 12mm x 50m roll
- White gaffer tape - 1x 50mm x 50m roll
- Arena wall libkoki markers
- Fluorescent gaffer tape - 4x 48mm x 25m rolls one each of yellow, green, orange and pink
- Metal crowd-control barriers
- Scissors
- Stanley knife
- Tape measure (>10m highly recommended)
- PZ2 screwdriver
- 2x battery drills w. PZ2 screwdriver bits
- Mark out where the carpet will be laid on the venue floor with insulation tape. [15 mins]
- Lay the carpet by applying strips of NEC double sided tape to the floor and roll the carpet out onto it in sections. [1 hour]
- The following steps can be carried out in parallel. Two people work on each step.
- Mark out where the arena walls will be laid on the carpet with insulating tape. [15 mins]
- Fill the jerrycans with water. [15 mins]
- Place the arena walls onto the carpet. The wall sections are number and must be placed in the correct order so that the screw holes line up. [30 mins]
- Screw the wall sections together. [30 mins]
- Place the jerrycans on the wall feet. [15 mins]
- Mark out where the arena wall markers are to be stuck with insulating tape on the carpet next to the wall face. [15 mins]
- Apply the markers to the walls using a cross of double-sided tape and surround the edges with white gaffer tape. Take care to ensure the ordering and arena assignment (A/B) is correct. [30 mins]
- Mark out the corners with the fluorescent gaffer tape and write the corner number on the carpet with the tape. [15 mins]
- Apply the A/B markers to the outside of the arena walls. [15 mins]
- Place the crowd-control barrier around the arenas. [15 mins]
Total construction time: 4 hours 15 mins.
SR2016 Game (Sunny Side Up) Specific Set-up Plan
The SR2016 game requires tokens to be constructed. These tokens consist of cardboard box cubes with 250mm side-length covered with libkoki markers. To assist human spectators, coloured gaffer tape is applied to the faces of the cube.
Four people are required for token construction
- Cardboard boxes - 36x 9"x9"x9" double-wall boxes (external dimensions approx. 245mm x 254mm x 254mm)
- Token libkoki markers
- Double-sided finger-lift tape - 4x 12mm x 50m rolls
- White cloth gaffer tape - 6x 24mm x 25m rolls
- Grey cloth gaffer tape - 3x 24mm x 25m rolls
- Fluorescent cloth gaffer tape - 12x 24mm x 25m rolls three each of yellow, green, orange and pink
- Laptop running the token verification software
There are two sets of tokens to be built. Those for arena A and those for arena B. It is extremely important that the markers for these are kept separate throughout the build process. To help with this the tokens are to be built in two batches - first those for arena A then those for arena B. To complicate matters further there are three different token nets per arena so always triple check that you have the right markers.
- Fold the flat-packed box into a cube. [30 sec]
- Use the grey tape to seal the top and bottom flaps along the seam. [30 sec]
- Obtain a complete set of markers (top, bottom, sides 0 through 3) all for the same arena and net (A, B or C). [30 sec]
- Apply a cross of double-sided tape to a side of the box.
- Stick the correct marker onto the box, taking care to align it in the centre of the face. Also take care to ensure that the orientation is correct relative to the other markers on the box.
- Repeat the above two steps until all of the markers have been stuck on the box. [10 mins]
- Verify the token with the verification program on the laptop, following the instructions next to the laptop. If the verification program indicates the token is correct continue, otherwise fix the problem. [1 min]
- Use the grey tape (use white tape if the grey has run out) to cover all 12 edges of the box and seal the marker edges. [2 mins]
- Apply coloured gaffer tape to each side of the box, surrounding the marker. Take care to ensure that it is outside of the grey square surrounding each marker. See the marker construction cheat-sheet for the side to colour mapping. [5 mins]
- Apply white gaffer tape to the top and bottom of the box, surrounding the marker. Again, take care to ensure that it is outside of the grey square. [2 mins]
- Verify the token with the verification program again. [1 min]
- Repeat.
Setup time: 30 mins. Construction time per token: ~23mins. Total construction time (with four people): ~4 hours.