TTN require a replacement power board and ruggeduino

Issue #8 new
Richard Barlow repo owner created an issue

They have reported the following via the forum:

Our power board died last week. Two green LEDs light up, but the fan does not start. We
get a "cannot read firmware" (exact wording might be different) error report. Some weeks
prior to this our Ruggedarduino board also packed up. We have been using a similar item
belonging to a student with no problems. Any chance of having replacements for these items
asap please? Thanks.

The broken ruggeduino appears to be the one mentioned in #4 (reported around the start of December). They did not post on the forum about it until now, despite repeated requests from their LTC.

Comments (4)

  1. Richard Barlow reporter

    I have now prepared a power board and ruggeduino. The Kit Logistics Coordinator has been informed

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