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#Welcome to Boot Project!

BootProject contains various projects for BootCms. This project contains independent applications. These are buildt to be deployed onto any application, just not the Boot framework.

Boot.Mulitenancy Multitenancy, nHibernate SessionFactory project.

Boot.Mvc.Html, templating project.

Boot.Multilingual a plugin for creating multilingual websites.

Boot.Cms makes it easy to create websites. It supports multiple websites in a single installation.

Boot.ServiceLayer contains services used for the framework.

Note! Project is during setup...

To grab the source enter the url below.
$ git clone


BootCms Project is an open source Content management application, built on ASP.NET C# MVC 5 technology. BootCms uses BootStrap as default design package. It can be used a simple website or a locked Intranet, or both in the same webserver instance.


BootCms is modulebased where each Module is it's own Project in solution.

Read more about Modules


The structure allows multiple themes. Read more about Themes

##Views The views are easier then ever to create. Goto Views


See Technology page

##Well built design Below a sidebar "Swipe" menu built for both PC and such as IPads, phones etc.

