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Orchard.Modules.Dolph.SmartContentPicker / Home


An Orchard CMS in-page content field picker, for connecting content items to each other and creating relationships. Using a lot of the same code as the built-in content picker field, with the difference that the field stays in page and doesn't popup a new window to search for content items, creating a better user experience.

Features: Single/Multi-select drop down using jQuery Chosen Builtin Search In-page content picker


Download and install module. And then enable and the new field type will appear in the field list when editing a content type.

The content type requires the title part to be implemented, as the title is the unique name that will be used in the content picker.

It is recommended when adding a field is to specify the Content Type you wish to filter on, to improve performance.


If you're CMS instance contains a huge amount of content items for the specified type, it might slow down your content item editing page as it will go and fetch all of the content items of the type.
