Error in running the tutorial

Issue #27 resolved
Alborz Geramifard created an issue

14109fe4f803:rlpy-master alborzg$ ipython examples/tutorial/
Tools/ UserWarning: failed to import module _transformations
  warnings.warn("failed to import module %s" % name)
No module named HIVTreatment_dynamics
Cython extension for HIVTreatment dynamics not available, expect slow runtime
No module named kernels
Cython extension for kernels not available, expect slow runtime
ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
//anaconda/ in execfile(fname, *where)
    202             else:
    203                 filename = fname
--> 204             __builtin__.execfile(filename, *where)

/Users/alborzg/Desktop/rlpy-master/examples/tutorial/ in <module>()
     11 from Tools import Logger
     12 from Agents import Q_Learning
---> 13 from Representations import Tabular
     14 from Policies import eGreedy
     15 from Experiments import Experiment

/Users/alborzg/Desktop/rlpy-master/Representations/ in <module>()
     11 from OMPTD import OMPTD
     12 from TileCoding import TileCoding
---> 13 from KernelizediFDD import FastKiFDD, linf_triangle_kernel, gaussian_kernel
     14 from LocalBases import RandomLocalBases
     15 from LocalBases import NonparametricLocalBases

/Users/alborzg/Desktop/rlpy-master/Representations/ in <module>()
--> 443 from FastCythonKiFDD import FastCythonKiFDD
    445 class FastKiFDD(Representation, FastCythonKiFDD):

ImportError: No module named FastCythonKiFDD

Comments (3)

  1. Alborz Geramifard reporter

    On mac, updated the macport to the recent version and then use port to install gcc 4.7 and then compilation was fixed and then the compilation was fine too.

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