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RVR CPP / Home

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This repository contains a C++ implementation of the serial communications protocol for the Sphero RVR robot based on the firmware released in the fall of 2019. This started out by reverse engineering the protocol from the microBits, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi SDKs.


I got an RVR because it contains all the sensors and capabilities that I've been working to install on a Wild Thumper chassis I've had for years. My experience in robots is focused on autonomous robot competitions.

In my career I've mainly worked with embedded systems. This included implementing communications protocols, including creating one for a system that used satellite communications for pipeline and other industrial systems.

Sphero folks have been helpful in explaining some aspects of the protocol and indicate that complete documentation will be available Real Soon Now. But I didn't want to wait plus found it an interesting challenge to attempt this reverse engineering.

This Wiki is in two sections. One section is on the protocol and another is Son the C++ impelementation.


Work by Others

Some work by others.

Python ROS Node


Some of the information is from my own work but others contributed via the Sphero Community forum. Here is a list of contributors as best I can recall or find. I've italicized Sphero folks.


Jim Moran

