God anger pulses get registered multiple times hitting stati limit

Issue #190 resolved
RMTEW FULL NAME repo owner created an issue

If a god is angry but decides to act later, then a stati was registered for it. Unfortunately, it wasn't checked if there was already such a stati from a previous decision to act and act later, so they accumulate and the maximum number of stati that can be present on the player is hit, resulting in a red box.

Comments (1)

  1. RMTEW FULL NAME reporter

    If a god is angry but decides to act later, then a stati was registered for it. Unfortunately, it wasn't checked if there was already such a stati from a previous decision to act and act later, so they accumulate and the maximum number of stati that can be present on the player is hit, resulting in a red box. Reported by Felius@Bay12, with handy save file. Fixes #190

    → <<cset 66201edcca0b>>

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