Spellcraft benefits the player so much it hurts

Issue #196 resolved
RMTEW FULL NAME repo owner created an issue

When someone successfully counterspells, they get the act factored into when their next action happens, as a delay. The problem was that counterspell has benefits over and above the advertised ones, where the delay is reduced as the skill level of counterspell increases. This then goes negative at a certain level, and puts the player out of commission with a permanent timeout.

Comments (1)

  1. RMTEW FULL NAME reporter

    When someone successfully counterspells, they get the act factored into when their next action happens, as a delay. The problem was that counterspell has benefits over and above the advertised ones, where the delay is reduced as the skill level of counterspell increases. This then goes negative at a certain level, and puts the player out of commission with a permanent timeout. Reported by Felius@Bay12, with handy save file. Fixes #196

    → <<cset f44ab5fa4138>>

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